Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

was fun and I saw the potential in why people like doing it. But in all honesty, it just wasn't my thing. I took it at a rave which was pretty cool because that drug is made for party situations.
Out of this world first time you take em - they're not the same today though, totally different buzz - more of a monged out ness - back in day they used to be a real uplifting jump around upper. My 2p
yea mang X is probably my fave now. i took 3 pink playboys triple stacked and went to olive garden... you know when movies depict getting high as like seeing real hallucinations? well those three caps made me think the top of my head was floating like 2 inches above my ears, and also i saw the walls move like in that 70s show when they get high... not saying that i like that show tho
ya they are the best at the start, they make u feel so happy and good... but after a while of taking them on the weekends the comedown gets worse and worse.. i used to take like 5 or 6 a night and smoke loads of weed and ud b trippin like crazy.... seein all kinds of shit...
but after a while the hard drugs are bad for your mental and physical health..
An ex gave me one and I really trusted them up until the morning after when I puked my guts out. I think it had a really dirty base.

I remember feeling very light headed and chemically induced into a state of numbness. There were no visuals or audio but I was in a home at the time with one or two more people. It lasted ten hours and I will not do it again because of the horrible puking bile fest I had afterwards.
I've done tons of E (not boasting) and I've never had any visuals more than things having a purple tinge to them... I love trying to read though, as everything is blurry..
3 words.

best. drug. ever.

ive gone on 7 day x trips, it use to be my drug of choice that i did just about everyday. then i stumbled upon a little lady named mary jane.:joint:

try it out. just dont take to much on your first time or youll die :]
E's mad common where I'm from. I know there's less chance of it being cut with meth (dirty shit that we don't really do anywhere near Europe!) here than in the states, which probably makes European pills better. Anyway, did it once at an electronic music festival, best weekend of my life!
Done it probly 50 times and ya its the best drug out there but to me its not worth it for the come down, the day after and the long term effects it has on you.
The Good. great if you want to stay home and have sex all day and night. It's makes you feel you just can't stop smiling. Everything feels GOOD. If someone touches you anywhere..head arm leg...shit feels amazing.
The Bad.

The crash and burn. Teeth hurt afterwards and sometimes during. Shit makes you want to grind your teeth for some reason. When your rolling it relaxes all your normal guard systems...why do you think you see people at clubs making out having sex in public not really giving a fuck... the shit is crazy... advice Stay home and do it.. don't go out in public...

Recovery time - at least a full 24 hours before you start feeling normal again(Probably more like 2 days 48hrs).

Just smoke :joint: dro is my personal opinion..all that other shit will kill
Everything I say is Fiction... Just say NO
fun but not good to do alot in a short period of time. you start to feel like your retarded and out of it. just be careful what beans you get. the last time i did it was scary so i dunno what the fuck was in that pill and it was the same ones i always got
Me and my girlfriend got some about 5 years ago because we heard how good it made sex and bla bla bla. I admit the trip was pretty good and all, I couldnt stand listening to music the whole time but when we went to have sex, I was stuck with a limp dick all night. Couldnt get up for nothing!!!! That was the first and last time I did it ... hope my story helped hahaha
i Agree Cali, i weight trained myself to 14 stone from 10 , then took pills, like you say 5-6 in a night , sometimes id take 8-10 , after 8 months of weights and eating to gain weight , then i lost 3 half stone of it in 3 months with takin pills every weekend.

So yea they fuck your body and your mind up !!
Proper laugh when ya takin them though , and the trips , woo, makes you laugh when you think about it on a str8 head !! :)
Great drug but not for me. Its not worth the long term effects if you continue to do it. Maybe once in a great while.