Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )


Well-Known Member
So how much does everyone pay for a pill usually .

Just one pill.
ten pills at a time.
also be specific if its just street ectasy what its cut with or pure mdma

where i live we have [THIZZ pills] its a pill thats got a little bit of mdma and is cut with coke heroin meth caffeine dxm whatever u name it lol,while anyways those are anywhere from 4-15$ a piece usually and Pure mdma[at least its supposed to be] is like 100$ a gram


Well-Known Member
Pills are SWEEET!!! i love them.. do them alot.. MDMA as well.. i get one very good pill for £2 about $3.20 but can get an average one for £1 or $1.60.. pills here usually have something in them as in maybe a bit of ket or LSD or something for visuals.. MD is alot more expensive.. £30 ($50) for a single gram of good quality.. but if i buy in bulk i can get an ounce (28g) of AMAZING shit for £350 ($550) which is a complete bargain but i dont sell drugs and the guy really only sells to dealers.. just means if i want to get some for myself its difficult cos i have to come up with 27 other people who want a gram so iv only done it once with a load of mates.. :P .. it seems that the pills in the UK are cheeper than in the US.. oh well lucky me.. :D


Well-Known Member
I stick to Molly, its such a cleaner roll then reg pills with tweak, i mean dont get me wrong there good, but if you have access to molly, cop that shit


Well-Known Member
im coming to shpongle in london in a couple days, will it be easy to find good beans?

i dont think it will be hard, but i never been to a big city.


Well-Known Member
Here in tx i can get 100 speed based double stacks for 75$ and sell them at 5 apiece. within 5 days i gotta re-up. i can get triple stacked acid based for 100 for 350 and sell 15 each.


Well-Known Member
i get a boat ( 1000 pills ) for about 2600, and sell em 350 a jar and 5 each for singles..
i make okay money, not too bad but have trouble saving it though .

so bleh. triple or double or single stacks, if the pill is good, its destined to be good <3


Well-Known Member
mmmmm shroomage!
lol but yeah

has anyone tried purple bosses? my friends got FUCKED up and they are buying me some tonight =D


Active Member
I went on an mdma binge taking two pills 5/7 days a week for roughly 3 months about 3 years ago. I'm pretty blank emotion-wise, I have terrible spinal problems and I have rapid eye movement pretty frequently. It was fucked up, and I pretty much ate the weight of my dog in pills, goddamn.

Either way, use it too much, too frequently and you're life can be ruined pretty easily.


Well-Known Member
Tabs are the shit!!! lol besides weed.. I love to roll, only when im with girls though ahah.

If your going to take tabs be ready for the fucking time of your life!!


Well-Known Member
I went on an mdma binge taking two pills 5/7 days a week for roughly 3 months about 3 years ago. I'm pretty blank emotion-wise, I have terrible spinal problems and I have rapid eye movement pretty frequently. It was fucked up, and I pretty much ate the weight of my dog in pills, goddamn.

Either way, use it too much, too frequently and you're life can be ruined pretty easily.
I had a friend who sold it that would drop almost everyday, and he could probably be considered mildly retarded But, I knew him since he was a kid and he was pretty fuckin dumb to begin with. I got all addicted to it like that too for a while, now I just take it when I go to raves. I don't think Ive fried my brain to my bad, all the pot I smoke has tottaly killed my short term memory though.


Well-Known Member
there is this urban legend about this kid around my town. word on the street is he got a concussion from skateboarding and ate mad e pills after and now his head is fucked up i guess