Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

Cid and pot are the best together, I'll take bong hit's to increase my trip :bigjoint:
oh yeah. dude. yeah. i smoked at least a half eighth of dro when i was on shrooms. i was so twacked out, like everything was in an extremely weird dimension. lol. i watched some trippy ass videos on youtube, but anyway i took this big ass hit of dro, right? i closed my eyes, i opened them and all of a sudden everything looked like the animation of toy story, only a little bit more realistic. in between this dimension and that one. it was CRAZY. lol
bong hits make everything better!

my vision goes black and white and seems to soar with a good bong rip on doses.

eatin rolls, its not fair how much weed you can smoke, i dont smoke cigs so i find myself going through an 8th, very easy.
My lastest xo kick have been Green Hearts, prob the best one ive had so far. im a big guy 6'2 220 I Took 4 and chewed 2. im thinkin if i wanna parachute one, ive been told it increases ur roll tenfold
Uhhh, you should plan on doing it guy. Your world's perception will never quite be the same.....the only problem is finding a legitimate dose.
e's never takin dem again ... iv taken e's since i was young i first tried dem wen i was 15 and it was cherrys at dat tym amazin wee buzz off dem, 3 of dem wud do ya a nite, den started takin dem everyweekend 4 a gd yr or 2 until my head started 2 get melted so sort of like went of dem .. bt a yr or 2 after dat ended up becumin friends wif a load of bois hu has never experience e .. so round 2 begins lol wat i noticed da most was difference from the e's im takin nw from da e's i did a few yrs bak. meanin all da different types such as smurfs, windmills, lambo's mitzi's rockets, yellow elephants, race cars etc etc and also da difference in da hit meanin nw im havin 2 take loads of dem (10 - 20 ) 2 get a desent hit . bt da main killar wif dem nw is da cum down .. thats a reason in its self y i dont take dem no more n y everybody else shud stop takin dem .. they shit wif a shit buzz and a dirty shitty cum down ..

ketamine , shrooms are da way foward amazin buzz/trip wifout da cum down amazin .
wheeeesh rusty- yew've dun fried yo mind!

We'is having seerius trubs reedin yo writing.....

If only you popped literature like you do/did rolls.. :bigjoint:
wheeeesh rusty- yew've dun fried yo mind!

We'is having seerius trubs reedin yo writing.....

If only you popped literature like you do/did rolls.. :bigjoint:

:roll: that made me laugh but still lol its sad. thats just how he talks. try talking like that with a blunt in your mouth, i bet it might sound like that hahah.
Me and mg gf tryed it last new years eve, we got it from two other friends that did it with us. Unfortunatly, when they got it, there was like 4 differant kinds in the 8 pills that we got between the 4 of us. We devided it up, and all took some, then headed to a concert. Outside the show, we all took the other pill, only about 1.5 hours later. Honestly if I felt anything, I don't even know it. We were smoking alot of weed, and dancing and having fun. It was a good night, but the whole night I was thinking am I ever gonna feel this shit. I'm pretty sure we got dupped. My gf had the same exp as me, she didn't notice any change in her either. The other 2 that were with us however claimed that they were rollin all night. I don't know what to think of it all. Probly the worst $80 I ever spent, cus I didn't feel it!!! I think I may try it again if it seems like a more reputable source, and I don't have to wrry its fake!
Me and mg gf tryed it last new years eve, we got it from two other friends that did it with us. Unfortunatly, when they got it, there was like 4 differant kinds in the 8 pills that we got between the 4 of us. We devided it up, and all took some, then headed to a concert. Outside the show, we all took the other pill, only about 1.5 hours later. Honestly if I felt anything, I don't even know it. We were smoking alot of weed, and dancing and having fun. It was a good night, but the whole night I was thinking am I ever gonna feel this shit. I'm pretty sure we got dupped. My gf had the same exp as me, she didn't notice any change in her either. The other 2 that were with us however claimed that they were rollin all night. I don't know what to think of it all. Probly the worst $80 I ever spent, cus I didn't feel it!!! I think I may try it again if it seems like a more reputable source, and I don't have to wrry its fake!

have they taken ex before that? people con themselves into thinking that they can roll. some people think they can, and then believe that they are and really think they roll. to prove a point to someone, i took an ex pill, and i gave this girl an aspirin, and they looked a lot a like, she ACTUALLY thought she was rollin. it was funny as hell
It was the first time I or her had tried X, personally I think the other 2 with us were conning themselves into thinking they were rolling. They however have taken X several times, so maybe they were trying to con us! I don't know for sure, but I didn't feel anything other then the blunts that we smoked all night it was lame! I've been offered X before that from who was offering it I'm quite certain that it was good shit, but turned it down at the time. New Years kinda made me regret that. I suppose we'll see what the future has to offer, but I'm not really in any hurry I prefer to keep to the weed and when I can get them shrooms!!!
It was the first time I or her had tried X, personally I think the other 2 with us were conning themselves into thinking they were rolling. They however have taken X several times, so maybe they were trying to con us! I don't know for sure, but I didn't feel anything other then the blunts that we smoked all night it was lame! I've been offered X before that from who was offering it I'm quite certain that it was good shit, but turned it down at the time. New Years kinda made me regret that. I suppose we'll see what the future has to offer, but I'm not really in any hurry I prefer to keep to the weed and when I can get them shrooms!!!

i love ex. just look into what kind you took, and what kind they are because i've been hearing lately that alot of it is fake. thank god the ones i get are straight. i would sell mine to you if you lived close. it FUCKS you up. mmmm. but yeah if anything, i just love my weed. and i took shrooms for the first time last friday, DUDE it was sweet. the tops were all blue and swirly and shit, and i like mushrooms anyways so the taste didn't really bother me. i just chewed and swallowed with water.
Weed is a staple if you will, its just an all the time thing. I love shrooms, but any where that i've been they are hard to find. I might get them twice a year if i'm lucky! I grew some last year, and that was great. Had shrooms for like 3 months, but i've only been able to get them once since then it sucks.
Any one that I know that has taken X loved it, so I figured I'd see what the hype was all about, obviously that didn't work so well, lol. maybe next time!
Weed is a staple if you will, its just an all the time thing. I love shrooms, but any where that i've been they are hard to find. I might get them twice a year if i'm lucky! I grew some last year, and that was great. Had shrooms for like 3 months, but i've only been able to get them once since then it sucks.
Any one that I know that has taken X loved it, so I figured I'd see what the hype was all about, obviously that didn't work so well, lol. maybe next time!

lol really they are THAT hard to find? if you GREW you'd make so much money off that. but yeah they are hard to find, they come around at least once a month, 2 times a month if were lucky
Nice your lucky to get them that much. I have lived in three differant states, and 4 differant cities in the last 3 years, and they have always been very hard to find.
As far as making money off growing them, its only a matter of time. The next kit I want is like $800, but it should produce about 1 lb every 3 months once I get it going!!! It'll be sweet!
yo, fo yo info, there's a site you can search on to find your pill (or pills you are thinking of buying, if you know the logo) where you can check out ingredients. People send their pills in, well actually SENT, cause I think it's been shut down.. point being, there's a site that tests them, and posts photos, origin of the pill, etc. That way you'll know for sure it's legit!

The site is Ecstasy Lab Testing & Analysis Results - Ecstasy Pill Reports

happy travels :)
That is good info, we tryed to find out what we had, but there wasn't much if any info, and some of the pill stamps were worn so you couldn't quite tell what they were. It was bunk!
I hope so,I'll have to see what happens, I'm in no hurry, but if it feels right, I'll definitely try again. Only time will tell!!
your properly finding trouble reading my writing as i was writing in txt talk, saves time typing a more time to smoke. that and i im also irish and my head is fry'd with a spoonful of mash potatoe lol so folks keep her broadside .