Ta for stopping in jester m8! I have 3 accurate sets of cannabis tissue sample data now for my next nute mix, thanks fatman!
I'll have to work on my definition of organics I thinks, I was taught in chemistry that if it is a carbon based compound its an organic compound, but I found out in gardening organic meens it lived at one point or came out of a living thing.
Things that aint organic in my mix, (sorry)
epsom salts, found naturally in a spring in epsom surrey.
sulphate of potash, there is a natural mineral form of potassium sulfate, namely arcanite, is relatively rare though.
sulphate of ammonia, 100% man made and as inorganic as it comes.
It wont let me change the name to nearly all organic/natural, but next time i know better

ta jester again, lol
point me at that jibberish j88, I learn a lot!