Error 2038 when uploading pic


Active Member
Title says it all. I hit the "insert image" icon, it brings up a dialog box, I do the select and upload, and I get the error.

I'm trying to post in the Plant Problems forum, so this is kind of an issue.

What to do and how to do it?


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
did you try using the "manage attachments" button?

and you got to be a bit patient to wait for a reply. the staff here is not on 24/7.


Active Member
I went to the manage attachments and it worked this time. I'm wondering if there was an issue. Like I said in my little hissy fit, there were 3 threads with the same complaint at the same time.


Uses the Rollitup profile
I saw all of the threads, but just don't know why you are having problems. Sorry I can't help, I am about to alert the programmers for a bug fix. I need to know if you are still having the problem, or if it was a temporary issue, or if you needed to figure out the correct procedure.



Uses the Rollitup profile
So is the problem still there, or are you able to upload pictures now? I'm hearing from a lot of others saying the same thing. Is the manage attachments the only method that is working? Please tell us what you are experiencing so we can make adjustments.



Active Member
I use manage attachments and that worked. What I was referring to above was that a REGULAR post (quick reply) was entered but disappeared, it was like I hadn't done a thing. This has happened twice, I reentered both times and the post was then there. These were straight text posts, no pix involved.