Eric Cantor... ousted


Well-Known Member
I don't see a way to do that but I really like the idea.
i already told you..the time of "stumping" on the campaign trail is old. put it all need to travel around the country, to start with.

concensus of leaders of specific industries gather and share ideas.. similar to bailout of auto industry.. no more lobby.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I don't think it's a matter of not giving the government enough money...they are getting more than enough. More so balancing things out so they can't suck all the money out of the economy and funnel it to the top 1%. People can use terms like "redistribution of wealth" and "socialism", whatever, but no one can deny the fact that the gap between poor and rich just grows and grows, and countries that used to have people leaving by the boatload to come to America in search of that dream - that golden middle class - now have a stronger middle class than us. I obviously don't have the solution, and I really don't think anyone does. Pretty sure we're already dug in too deep to climb back out. Fuck the top 1% paying their fair share to the government - they need to re-invest that wealth into our communities without government involved at all.
you should google senator elizabeth warren's recent comments she explains it in detail.


Well-Known Member
i already told you..the time of "stumping" on the campaign trail is old. put it all need to travel around the country, to start with.

concensus of leaders of specific industries gather and share ideas.. similar to bailout of auto industry.. no more lobby.
Woooh. Sorry I missed that one. So cut the networks and affiliates out of billions of dollars?

How can you tell who is sincere, has a lot of backing and is not just a simulation in a computer? How will you know if they are good people unless you can shake hands and eyeball them?

How can we know anything about them unless they are willing to get up and be questioned for real?

Did you know the Turing test was finally passed. An online candidate can be entirely fictional.

For those that may not know, the Turing test is named after a British Math Brain, that was the Key to breaking a lot of German war codes, in WW2.

It is quite simple. Can a computer fool a human into thinking he is texting with a real person, not a computer. It is also exhaustive. It is conducted by Q & A.

Now, there is a Russian entity that has fooled the expert panel and their trick questions 1/3 of the time in completely free form discussions.

This means that soon entire opinions can be made by robots that watch the news,
The Sock Puppet Droids.

We somehow trust TV. But the web is already UN-believable.

Web Candidates? I think I like the idea of throwing money to the media jobs.
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Well-Known Member
conservatives live in reality.

desert dude spent months (nearly a year) telling me he wasn't a member of that white supremacy group you were part of. then i showed him his own words admitting his membership, and he still denied it.

muyloco, dr kynes, NLXSK, doer, beenthere, and others all spent months calling polling data a liberal conspiracy only to be shutted the fuck up come election day.

most of that same crowd still calls the conclusion of 34 national academies of science a "hoax" and a conspiracy.

no conservative yet has ever pointed out to me a business that shut down due to a minimum wage increase, although they swear it happens all the time.

they call the BLS numbers fake even after i show them the prices at the grocery stores where they live.

your dumb ass persists in insisting that "anchor babies" is not a racist term, nor is "urban welfare rat porch sitters".

robroy thinks that deniapl of service to blacks before civil rights was harmless, despite the fact that he can't find a single historian who shares his retarded opinion.

that's just what i have off the top of my head.

conservatives HATE reality.


Well-Known Member
I realized I wasnt a conservative mostly due to a very good argument I think I heard the other day but I might have read about it.

I am much more of a libertarian.


Well-Known Member
I love this one. He came up with this spontaneously.

Eugene Goostman: By the way, do you know a terrible story about a chatterbot, that wanted to be a President? He spoke ugly, his phrases were lame and intelligence was artificial (he told only the things he was prompted to)... I should tell you a secret: he BECAME the Prez! Androids are among us already!!!

This response was just bizarre. Denning tried to explain the mix of information inside Goostman’s virtual head. Denning: What we have is imported knowledge bases, like facts about the world. Others that are personal knowledge based. Some are fact based (age, where he lives). He puts those in conversational form. Others are beliefs and opinions. So if you had said something about George Bush, he might have had something to say back. Not even sure he knows Obama is president.

Me: Which President was that?
Eugene Goostman: None. I bet you're surprised! Oh, what a fruitful conversation;-)


Well-Known Member
you're much more of an idiot.
I come here from time to time when I am bored. Sometimes months can pass before I return.

But a constant feature is your sad little presence attempting to make yourself a legend on a pot website.

And I feel sad for ya... Not really that sad becuase you are a dick, but that is the internal rage you have because you are an alcoholic who cannot hold a job.

I would pray for ya but I am not religious.

Instead I smoke a bowl and grin.

Life is great!


Well-Known Member
I come here from time to time when I am bored. Sometimes months can pass before I return.

But a constant feature is your sad little presence attempting to make yourself a legend on a pot website.

And I feel sad for ya... Not really that sad becuase you are a dick, but that is the internal rage you have because you are an alcoholic who cannot hold a job.

I would pray for ya but I am not religious.

Instead I smoke a bowl and grin.

Life is great!
that's great analysis coming from a racist apache junction drunkard with projection issues and a propensity for saying the stupidest shit imaginable.

"skewed polls"

"show me iran's route to the sea"

"forest fires cause global cooling"

"you have no idea what i am capable of"

there's plenty more i'm probably missing, but you get the idea.

be a failure elsewhere and keep your retarded opinions to yourself unless you wish to entertain me at your own expense.


Well-Known Member
that's great analysis coming from a racist apache junction drunkard with projection issues and a propensity for saying the stupidest shit imaginable.

"skewed polls"

"show me iran's route to the sea"

"forest fires cause global cooling"

"you have no idea what i am capable of"

there's plenty more i'm probably missing, but you get the idea.

be a failure elsewhere and keep your retarded opinions to yourself unless you wish to entertain me at your own expense.
I am here to entertain myself with your antics. Dance for me!! Dance!!


Well-Known Member
Honestly I don't think it's a matter of not giving the government enough money...they are getting more than enough. More so balancing things out so they can't suck all the money out of the economy and funnel it to the top 1%. People can use terms like "redistribution of wealth" and "socialism", whatever, but no one can deny the fact that the gap between poor and rich just grows and grows, and countries that used to have people leaving by the boatload to come to America in search of that dream - that golden middle class - now have a stronger middle class than us. I obviously don't have the solution, and I really don't think anyone does. Pretty sure we're already dug in too deep to climb back out. Fuck the top 1% paying their fair share to the government - they need to re-invest that wealth into our communities without government involved at all.
You probably work at a place where that 1% re-invested that wealth into your community. As a matter of fact, that's how the 1% got to be the 1%.