Epsom Salts bad for your plants? or at least not the best??


Well-Known Member
After much advice, I have recently added a small amount of Epsom Salts to one of my waterings to resolve Cal/Mag defs. However, I have just read the following article and it doesn't list Magnesium Sulphate as one of the ones to use... I have to admit, I do worry about using any kind of "sulphate" in my soil.


Anyone been using "aired" tap water and epsom salts for years, and successfully??


I use Epsom and lime several times throughout the grow, mix into my water jugs at a teaspoon per gallon. Some use less, some more... 1tsp.2012-09-15 14.16.19.jpg2012-09-04 16.22.06.jpg2012-09-15 14.18.55.jpg works for me. Been growing outdoors for years, some of this years pics...



Well-Known Member
Just checked back on this thread. thanks very much fro your input. I added Espoms a few days ago, and the leaf drop off has slowed greatly, but may give them another small dose in a fortnight.

I am also about to give all my vegging plants a small dose, as they also seem to display cal/mag def's. I'm guessing that it's the soil I use - Boibizz Light Mix


Well-Known Member
Epsom Salts is great for mag, but does not supply any calcium.

Best get some sweet lime, soon.



Well-Known Member
I use one tsp per gallon the entire grow. As soon as they get fed they get epsom salt and molases for the entire process.


Well-Known Member
Epsom salts are not good in excess and when there is a Magnesium or Manganese deficiencies caused from a PH Issues,and tap water has calcium in it so
just plain water can fix a Calcium deficiency even if tap PH is high(7.0-7.5 usually)(7.2 and lower works).


Well-Known Member
I've used them with success for a mag deficiency. I've never had a calcium deficiency on MJ (hard water where I live, I have to strip my pump once a month and clean the scale out) but if I did, I would foiliar spray for it.
I don't understand why people are tring to recreate cal-mag or even what it's for? I would imagine the cases of people suffering both a calcium and magnesium deficiency at the same time to be minimal.
Throwing calcium in for no reason isn't a good move. There are consequences to excess calcium.
A good tip if you suspect calcium deficiencies is to use water from your hot water tap (if you have an old, scaled up water tank). I actually can't use mine. It shows an EC of 0.8 and I haven't bothered getting it tested.
My normal tapwater is 0.45 EC, 219 mg/l CaCo3 but only 2.9mg/l Mg)


Well-Known Member
Correction, referring to Cal/mag has come from too much reading, and hearing the term so much. When it fact, I only appear to have mag def...which has now cleared

Thank you for all your advice, I will research the appropriate lime to use if i do get a Calcium deficiency after all, and I'm already a molasses user

:clap: to you all


Well-Known Member
go easy on yourself and get a bottle of mag-pro by dyna grow. im testing out after seeing videos of side by sides and dyna grow kicks ass. I think it only has the sulfur magnesium and then their bloom and veg has other essential nutes.
theres other ones that have mag and calcium and all that other stuff in one bottle and thats for i think if your using a veg/flower formula with just N-P-K and no added micro/macros


Well-Known Member
I use BioGrow, BioBloom, and Topmax (which has essential minerals, but traces)

I also add Molasses at week 3 and 6 of flower.

Also need to adjust my feedng schedule for my new HPS light

Thanks for the input, I'm gonna look at swapping nutes when my BioBizz runs out, and have some free Hesi samples i'm gonna try a side by side with soon. Heard many good things about DynaGrow, maybe i'll give them a look