Epsom Salt and Calcium foilar feeding.


Hey Rollitup! :leaf:
I have been told that i should spray my plant with Epsom Salt. And also that plant have a Calcium deficiency. Today i bought Epsom Salt and Calcium.
So im gonna dissolve 1/2 tea spoon Epsom salt per l in hot water, then dilute and spray once per day for 3 days. But can i add calcium too? or should i spray calcium solution later?

Happy Growing! :weed:


Well-Known Member
I would definently do a boat load more research before you do that, the results may not be what you expect.....jmo




Will do!
I think i decided what to do. Gonna spray the plant with Epsom salt as i was told to do by experienced grower and add some calcium with next feeding if necessary.
If someone have anything else to say, please! Waiting for advices!



New Member
You will find that the roots can take double the epsom than what leaves can .. Be careful and stay on the lower side of measurements .. I never use more than a teasoon to a gallon of sprayer water , Root watering I add two teaspoons .. But in all honesty I have not used Epsom in over 10 years .. Cal/mag is a much better product to use for Indoor grown Cannabis..


I would like to buy cal-mag, but i don't think that they are available in Europe.
I'm not using any Calcium at the moment and probably you will not recognize the brand, but it's concentrated calcium solution which consists of N - 1.8% NO3-N (nitrate nitrogen) - 1.8% and Calcium - 2.2%.
Till next watering i will spray with Epsom salt solution. I will add some Epsom salt, Calcium and Nutes to my water. Is it safe to mix all those together for regular watering?


Well-Known Member
Ya, every time I see your old one, I try to remember where I saw that guy or who he looks like, somebody on a show.
Epsom salts are a naturally occurring mineral. They were first discovered in Epsom, Engand. Hence the name.

Epsom salts contain hydrated magnesium sulfate, two elements crucial to plant growth.
Sulfur (13%) is crucial to the inner workings of plants, but it is almost never lacking in the soil, thanks in part to synthetic fertilizers.
Magnesium (10%) can become scarce in soil, usually because of erosion or depletion of the top soil or ph imbalance. Plants may exhibit symptoms like leaf curing or stunted growth.
In general, magnesium plays a role in strengthening the plant cell walls, allowing the plant to take in the nutrients it needs. It also aids in seed germination, photosynthesis and in the formation of fruits and seeds.

Epson salts have been used for generations and my grandmother used to swear by mixing it in with her soil prior to planting tomatoes, she said it took out bitterness in the fruit. Anybody I ever talked to at the farm bureau said that there are better ways to add magnesium and I would look into the Cal/mag type product mentioned earlier or a general balanced fertilizer. Also try and make sure that ph isn't your problem or you could end up chasing your tail. Plus it sounds like you have ONE plant, you can't afford many mistakes. Good luck!


Hey Blueberry! Thanks for the reply :)
Exactly! I have one plant. I wanted just one plant because then i could give all my attention to one plant while i'm learning about all this. Next time hopefully there will be bigger space and at least 4 plants. :)
I think that pH is not a problem anymore. First three weeks pH was 8, but now i got a pH pen and i'm adjusting pH to 6.7 every watering.

An hour ago sprayed with Epsom salts. Hopefully there will be some improvements tomorrow.

I agree that Cal/mag is better than Epsom salts. Obviously Cal/mag is specially made for plants.
