Excellent posts Rasser. Thank you so much for all this info and insight! Seems I'm unable to LIKE at the moment but I assure you I do

. I'm surprised the 4x10 Reds didn't run hotter on that CPU cooler, which is great news. I guess the efficiency of reds and not having to go through any phosphor converting process keeps them running cooler than a similar white LED. And while I like your DIY water cooling, that's pretty extreme for me at the moment.
One little leak that you don't notice and you can kiss your LEDs goodbye. I could never forgive myself if I screw up that big. Especially since I want to overdrive the LEDs ultimately, so commercial products for now. Still it will probably save a person a ton of money going with DIY water cooling. Right now it seems if I want to go with water cooling for some kind of panel, I have to find the coolers and build around them, which I don't think is the best way to design a light, but the right parts for the right price just might be out there. Still there's no reason for me to buy a LED spotlight again after this thread

, so thanks again Rasser, you little LED revolutionary you
