Epic Tincture.


Well-Known Member
I'm stoned on some epic tincture I made right now....

warm method, 3 weeks. 151 proof everclear (cali version as anything over that is illegal here)

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t267/poplars/bud 10/IMG_1905.jpg

I made it out of small buds of 5 strains and small scizzor hash balls of the rest of my strains (9 in total)

the high on this feels like a mix of everything, lots of indica and sativa at the same time... highly recommended..

it only takes about 4/5th's of a standard shot glass.

anyone else try this method or hella good tincture?
Hell yeah man, I love the effects, but alcohol and jhopkins don't mix too well lol. I'll get real sick because of some acid reflex shit, but at the same time I feel so damn good haha
I remember you saying something about this a while ago and have thought about it a couple times. So pretty good huh? Id like to do it with jacky D but should probably get a bacardi 151 or something. So... just fill jar with ground bud and alcohol, put in dark place, and shake everyday? I suck at anything ingested.
I put mine in a dark place in a brown paper bag, on something propped up over a space heater, it keeps the jar warm but not hot. this is essential to the process as it activates the thc and other cannabinoids.

bacardi 151 will work just fine if you want the sweet taste to it. I prefer the clean taste of everclear since I can do what I want with it mixed drink wise....

the best drink for me with this stuff has been making hot chocolate, waiting till it was warm, put the 4/5ths shot of tincture in it, wait for it to get ice cold, then chug it down ;).

works rather well.

it is very good stuff, I enjoy it greatly. the way to make it the most potent is to squish the material in the jar, and when it's moderately squished down add your alcohol and make sure it just barely covers the whole thing ;).

this stuff can be stored indefinitely, as long as it's kept in a cool dark place after straining it will be wonderful for months to come (if it lasts that long ;) )

also after straining with cheese cloth I highly recommend running it through coffee filters, twice.
how strong is the buzz from the alcohol vs. the high? what could i use instead of alcohol but get the same strength? does plant glycerin work as well as 151 or everclear?
that shit looks syrupy poplars..... sippin on some sizzurp huh!!! throw some codeine with promethizine in that bitch too!!!! lol j/k
how strong is the buzz from the alcohol vs. the high? what could i use instead of alcohol but get the same strength? does plant glycerin work as well as 151 or everclear?

you don't even feel the alcohol buzz really. I feel a TINY tinge of an alcohol buzz but you don't truly get fucked up on this stuff till 2 hours later, which is from the cannabinoids, not the alcohol as the high feels VERY similar to a cookie buzz.

I don't know much about the glycerin, I would imagine it would work fine but I don't like it as much because of the shelf life difference. alcohol tinctures can last years, glycerin tinctures can only last around 6 months.

I would stick to everclear for best results.

that shit looks syrupy poplars..... sippin on some sizzurp huh!!! throw some codeine with promethizine in that bitch too!!!! lol j/k

its actually VERY dry, it just looks syrupy ;). I'm good on opiates, unless I'm in hardcore pain.

but it's cool man when you mix this shit in a drink it'll go from the black-maroon looking color to greenish-grey. it also will turn a purple colored fruit drink maroonish-red..
I'm with Poplar on this. I make mine using hot method too. I use about 20-30ml of tincture in strong coffee with real cream. It takes 1.5-2.0 hours for it to really get going but the buzz last me at least 8 hours with 2 of those hours being very intense the rest kind of couch lock. I love this stuff.
A friend tried it and it started hitting her within 30 minutes so I don't really know average time for affect.
I'm with Poplar on this. I make mine using hot method too. I use about 20-30ml of tincture in strong coffee with real cream. It takes 1.5-2.0 hours for it to really get going but the buzz last me at least 8 hours with 2 of those hours being very intense the rest kind of couch lock. I love this stuff.
A friend tried it and it started hitting her within 30 minutes so I don't really know average time for affect.

yeah I'd say I feel initial effects within 30 mins, and they slowly rise up start hitting intense points at 1.5-2 hours.
time for round 2.... took a lil more this time... on an empty stomach...weeeeeeee

already feeling it within 30 mins, awesome!!!
time for round 2.... took a lil more this time... on an empty stomach...weeeeeeee
already feeling it within 30 mins, awesome!!!

Badass man, my favorite thing about tincture is how much you get and then how long it last you. Whenever I whip up say bho I'll get like a gram and smoke through it in a couple days. I still have like a half bottle of everclear that I whipped up at the end of summer, I could never keep oils or hash around for so long