enybody know how to grow auto flowers?

hi its my first time on here and i would like it if someone could give me some advice. i have decided to grow some auto flower seeds(big bang auto,from www.greenhouseseeds.nl )hope that helps. i am going to use all-mix soil wich consists of 20% sphagnum peat moss, 35% garden peat, 10% high quality organic worm manure, 30% perlite and 5%pre mix from( www.biobizz.com ).now the nutes i have are bio-grow which i dont think i need to use as the soil is very potent for the first 4 weeks. i also have bio-bloom and topmax which i have been advised to use in the last 4 weeks but i dont know if this is the right thing to do and if it is the right thing to do i dont know what measurements. all my nutes are from (www.biobizz.com) and my nutes and soil are designed to work together. i would apreciate eny help, advice, input please as i have my seeds in water now:wall:


Active Member
My first grow was an Auto their pretty easy to look after just wack them on 24/0 all the way or anything above 18/6. your soil will have enough nutes for the first few weeks. when you start adding your nutes just start with a small amount and increase the dose til you reach the perfect amount good luck fella :bigjoint:
cheers mellowhaze should i not bother with the bio-grow? and also the guy that sold me the seeds said put the plants on 12 on and 12 off all the way but you say more whats best?


bud bootlegger
cheers mellowhaze should i not bother with the bio-grow? and also the guy that sold me the seeds said put the plants on 12 on and 12 off all the way but you say more whats best?
don't do 12/ 12 from seed on auto's... 12/ 12 is the flowering schedule for non auto strains.. autos don't flower by the amount of light they recieve, but rather by how old they are.. auto's will start flowering at around 25 days or so from seed, no matter how much light they are getting.. the more amount of lights they get, the longer they can photosynthesis and make what is needed for the plant to grow..
i think its recomended to give autos 20 hours of light, and four hours of darkness..
and there is also a thread on here called the autoflower resource guide or something similiar that is long as poo.. go up to the search box at the top of the screen and type that in.. i'm sure you'll be able to find all the answers you need there.. and lots of peopls who grow autos who could help you out with any other ?s you may have..
goodluck with the grow, and welcome to riu..
i have 3 feminised kaya gold with 5 and a half weeks till harvest and they look awesome for my first solo grow. i cant wait to roll a fat one and celebrate with my fiance ill post some pics soon. im not very good with computers yet lol.


bud bootlegger
they look great m8.. congrats on the first sucessful grow.. theres nothing like smoking your own bud.. keep up the great work..


Active Member
lookin awesome man sorry I didnt respond to you post but racerboy71 gave a good enough answer :mrgreen:

your doin great fella give your plant 24hrs of darkness before you chop tho I gave mean 48hrs (It makes your plant more resinus) good luck fella

seamore green

Active Member
How did these questions get posted anf plants the same day? Lol I'm confused. 20/4 is most recommended for autos, be careful with nutrients, autos dont need much


Active Member
How did these questions get posted anf plants the same day? Lol I'm confused. 20/4 is most recommended for autos, be careful with nutrients, autos dont need much
It doesnt really matter what light schedule you have autos on 20/4 is great an so is 24/0 I gave my auto about 1 or 2ml of nutes per 400ml of water and she was happy :mrgreen:
hi seamore green. the kaya gold that are in my pics are my first grow but they are not autos just normal feminised seeds. my big bang autos are just starting to split so i will be planting them in a couple of days cant wait iwill start a photo diary for all to watch :) peace

seamore green

Active Member
Nice can't wait to see pics! If they dont get any darkness they can't complete photosynthesis very well now can they. I'm no pro by any means but I do do my research. To each his own

seamore green

Active Member
Thanks for the nutrient info though I haven't seemed to figure out a good ratio yet I burned my shortryder a couple days ago, shes still recovering :(
Thanks for the nutrient info though I haven't seemed to figure out a good ratio yet I burned my shortryder a couple days ago, shes still recovering :(
you should try the all mix soil i was talking about its really good you dont need to use bio grow then only a little bio bloom and top max on the last 2/3 weeks. really easy and the ph stays at neutral i just leave my plants to do all the work themselves. the all mix soil is 14 pounds for a 50 ltr sack so its a good deal plus a bottle of bio bloom and a bottle of top max will last you ages a good few grows enyway. im no expert but this is really working for me :)