Environment Control for a 7'x7' room?


Well-Known Member
Hello all.. I have decided after my first few grows that I need to control my flowering room better. I have a 10' x 11' room as of now. I was planning on using panels for cubicals to seal the room off. Only problem with this is that the panels are only 6' high and my cieling is 7'.

Question #1 is can anybody think of an effective solution to fill this 1' gap?

After that is solved I face another problem. I will be sealing my room with the panels as stated before, but I don't have access to any sliding glass doors to go along with the panels. For this solution I was thinking of removing the cloth material inlays on one of the panels and replacing it with mylar. Then once that is done I wanted to put a zipper on the mylar to make a tent type of door. I have no experience with mylar so I'm not sure if this will even work.

#2 Can anybody give me any insight on how to create some lightproof version of a door or any thoughts on whether my idea might work?

*If at all possible I would like to keep these solutions as air-tight as possible because I would eventually like to incorporate co2 to the garden.

Now onto my real question...

Once the entire 7'x7' room is sealed off I will be adding equipment to control the temperature and humidity of this room. Does anybody know how I might go about this? What equipment would I need to have the room maintain itself at a set humidity and temperature?

If that method is too expensive..
What equipement could I use to control my room's environment manually?

*Oh ya, I'm using a 1000w hps with no cooltube as of yet and my 11x10 room stayed at 84-89 with some temp spikes into the low 90s over the hottest days of summer. I have yet to see what the room's like during the winter months but I think I can put my heat on low and stay around 65.


Active Member
I'm in about the same position as you. I just took the mylar and taped it to the ceiling and ran it to the floor, then nailed it to the ceiling and taped over the nails, worked great. I'd omit the cubicle walls unless they're free or close to it. Right now I've cut a line down one of the sheets of mylar and tape it up every time i have to go in, as soon as I can afford it I'll either get some velcro or a zipper. Get 2 mil mylar, 1 is too thin and tape anywhere you want to make it stronger. Packaging tape sticks perfect and makes it a lot stronger.

I'd get a cool tube and use a/c to control humidity and temp.


hmmm. Airtight with a mylar door? don't know about that. If you want to use the mylar as a door just stagger the strips of mylar so one sheet is half way over the other sheet. This seem will trap the light inside but wont do much for air. Why do you need a liding glass door? As for the 1foot gap you can build up small stands with 2x4's on the ground and anchor with redheads or powder actuated fasteners (hilti gun). That will only work if the room is going to be permanent. You could also fasten a sheet of plywood or osb to the sides of the panels and stagger those so there is 1 foot on the panel and 1 foot sticking above it. Not pretty but it will get the job done.