
If a person you've illegally sold to several times has been busted (not to your knowledge) and has agreed to "meet you somewhere" (to do what would be a sale) but is actually setting you up for immediate arrest after the exchange (cooperating with police in exchange for exoneration), but you don't mention anything about weed/selling/buying and you let him bring it up, what that constitute entrapment? If your "customer" were an actual police agent, it would be entrapment. How does a professional avoid/circumvent such traps?
The pigs usually go for the sellers, not the buyers. Unless you were buying it to sell they wouldn't waste their time. Well...here anyway


Active Member
stay under an ounce ferret including the bag its in (usually the cutoff point for felonies)...tell him thats all you can do righ now....

also, you can try mentioning (if they are recording you) that you dont feel comfortable doing this, bu since he keeps calling you and demanding you, you feel compelled to assist him as you yourself use cannabis to treat various ailments, bu need to recoup the cost as it isnt free...you dont make money, bu hopefully you can smoke for free bc you need your medicine.


i wouldnt fuhk wit him bc you could blow your whole operation!!!!!!!

not smart as a cultivation charge is a lot stiffer crime than a petty sales charge...think about it :)


Active Member
oh and a good piece of advice:

if you are unsure about sumthing, the best thing to do, is to do NOTHING AT ALL, until you are sure of the situation.

...hope this helps ....pce


Active Member
If a person you've illegally sold to several times has been busted (not to your knowledge) and has agreed to "meet you somewhere" (to do what would be a sale) but is actually setting you up for immediate arrest after the exchange (cooperating with police in exchange for exoneration), but you don't mention anything about weed/selling/buying and you let him bring it up, what that constitute entrapment? If your "customer" were an actual police agent, it would be entrapment. How does a professional avoid/circumvent such traps?
The answer is in your question. You said you've ILLEGALLY sold to this person. At any point you can say to your self " fuck this, this is illegal." How is it entrapment? YOU made that choice, whether you trust that person or not. I hate marijuana arrests just as much as the next person, but shit, it's a risk you KNOWINGLY take.