entrapment at Barnes and Noble

they have tracking devices in them beware!

WTF??? I knew it! ... (jk) :mrgreen:

thegtiguy said:
lmao...push a red button. thats classic

Ok, so the general consensus seems to be for me to chill the hell out. Fine, I'm overdue for a few hits anyway...

My thinking was, I don't have a problem with going to Home Depot to buy my supplies, whether it's ferts and such or hardware for, errrr, facilitating enjoyment. But if the cardinal rule is "Say nothing to anyone, ever" then it just seems silly to buy a grow book at a crowded store. It's like putting a big sign on your back that says "Yeah, I'm growing, want some?"

Funny, they had a couple of magazines too. Weed World was literally crumpled from cover to cover, every page, I guess from all the people reading it right there instead of buying it. So I guess I'm not the only one a little skittish about buying literature in plain sight.

But being a little paranoid is a good thing, right? I guess it comes from when I was playing blackjack and counting cards. That's actually an interesting story... The first (and last) time I got caught was pretty intense. They back-roomed me, took my picture, questioned me for 2 hours in this tiny room with no furniture, read me the trespass act from a little card like I was getting Marandized or something, and finally escorted me out with two security guards holding each arm all the way to my car. This was a shady little casino boat in Baton Rouge, so I had no idea how far they would take it. I kept telling them they couldn't hold me, they had to let me go, but they said that as long as the boat was cruising and away from the dock, they could keep me in that room until they docked again. They even showed me security camera video of the tables, telling me I couldn't leave until I identified the other people on my "team". Anyway, after that I was WAY paranoid, I mean I got fake IDs, did the hair coloring thing, fake glasses, the whole she-bang. But I didn't stop counting!
pay cash and just remember that "learning" is not a crime. Many people who never grow pot and just like studying beautiful plants read these cultivation books. Kids even use them to do drug related reports for high school term papers and similar things. Dont fell bad though, I felt a bit nervous when I bought Cervantes' indoor grow bible but it ended up that the cashier was quite knowlendgable about the subject and I believe she has a few things in her closet too!
Come to Canada card counting is legal and you can't be kicked out for it. But before you come take your meds so your not so paranoid. Smoke some bud and if you get caught up here no big deal at most a fine.
Whenever I buy stuff for my grow I always pull out my glasses and dress a little preppy, "just some college student". Well I'm not going to walk in wit a band t-shirt, ripped jeans, and some Converse like any other day- like they wouldn't figure out what I'm doing.. LOL. The people in the hydro shop think I'm taking a botany class and growing orchids and gardenias.. LMFAO.. A little paranoia is what keeps us from being stupid about our ops. =)