Entirely 3 fingered plant!


Active Member
I'm growing out a fmeale plant and it has shown nothing but 3 fingered leaves!
It's flowering now and the leaves continue to have 3 fingers.
It was quite stressed early on but now she's doing much better.
I'm thinking this is stress causes but the newer leVee are still 3 fingers
I'll put up some pics, anyone have experience with this??
I've heard of a strain "duckfeet" or sometimg close to that but
keep in mind this is bagseed.......
Ideas, comments, suggestions?


Well-Known Member
if you stressed it out real bad that may be what caused it, could also just be a genetic mutation. I would be interested to see the pictures. Also, when a plant enters flowering it begins to put out leafs with less "fingers"

I am curious, how many nodes does the plant have with 3 fingered leafs?


Well-Known Member
ive had that exact problem and mine was becasue it wasnt getting enough light...only about 4 hours of direct sun. so that might be your problem


Active Member
Any ideas on nutes to get a jump start on flowering???(she was singed for a few months) I'm not always around so I want to add Bone meal for helping with slow relaeae phosphorus and continue with my general MG nutes for growth and nitrogen????1/2 strength MG


Well-Known Member
That is definitely a light starved plant :D id go with less than 1/2 strength MG nutes unless you want to burn your leaves, MG nutes are whack.
ive had that exact problem and mine was becasue it wasnt getting enough light...only about 4 hours of direct sun. so that might be your problem
I have a bag seed plant that has put on only 3 leaves the whole grow...I have found like 3 that have a tiny fourth kinda looks like a pinky..haha..buds are looking and smelling good though....and it has been in full sun all season..