Enter the Dungeon! New and Improved Dungeons Vault Genetics

I wouldn't know how the DVG gg4 s1's were bc I cut em down due to nutts everywhere, still waiting for the DVG breeder to pop back in here so I can tell what happened.

My one is going into week 6 post flip. After the initial plucking of pre-sacks around week 3, I haven't seen anymore, so it's on to the finish line. I have another about a week away from flip.
I just checked on the do-latos,
they're spose to be Fem'd
some were back logged and are still in solo cups.
and gettting a longer photo period
it's tossing balls like crazy
hate seeing this, anyone else running do-lato have issues?
ive got 1 x Do-Lato, 1 x Cactido, 2 x Platinum Buff, 4 x Timeless Montage...no nanners yet into day 34 flower...maybe they are too busy making babies after being pollinated?