Enter the Dungeon! New and Improved Dungeons Vault Genetics

i wanted rare darkness but felt it would be too stretchy... did I make a mistake?
Normal stretch nothing too strechy here's a pheno of mine at day 17!of flower. They are done stretching. Here's another pheno I think around 50 something days. Sorry not so good pics. I'm taking pics from my phone.


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@deeproots74 told me he heard good things about DVG there a top 10 breeder in the world and hightimes did a article on it

If this is true congrats to Dungeon vault genetics I like your gear

And check out this thread if your interested in dvg
My fault deep roots gave me the info and i was wondering if that was true .

But I do like DVG gear and recommend alot of people to try his genetics and let others who don't know about dvg to see the frost

I'm waiting on some new dvg gear to drop so I can buy them

I should be a DVG rep or DVG tester from how much love I show this company lol
If you see this E get back to me
High Times just did an article on breeders for gear you should have in your garden for 2016. Didn't say anything about top 10 breeders in the world lol but DVG has a great eye for breeding and is def putting out heat. Glad he's doing his own thing and will run his gear when I have seed slots open.

unfeckinbelievable!!!...i cant believe greenhouse isnt on that list?...1st for high times, possibly HT is starting to reflect real peoples choices?
I received 13 seeds of lost soul from Oregon elite seeds in less than 72 hours from ordering I'd recommend them I got no freebies with my small orders but I'm happy about the 1 extra seed
My fault deep roots gave me the info and i was wondering if that was true .

But I do like DVG gear and recommend alot of people to try his genetics and let others who don't know about dvg to see the frost

I'm waiting on some new dvg gear to drop so I can buy them

I should be a DVG rep or DVG tester from how much love I show this company lol
If you see this E get back to me
where do you live?