Enriching soil with O2

I'm writing a book, and I want the events to be as authentic as possible. The main character is a grower and I'm trying the jeet kune-do tactics of taking what's useful in different growing methods and the end result would be more efficient way to grow.

I was just wondering is it wise or possible to devise a contraption that forces air into the soil of a potted plant?

If not I'm planning on using a variation of this system:

An idea came to me; after the solution is drained what would happen if I hooked the other end to an air compressor controlled by a gate valve?


Well-Known Member
I haven't attempted hydro so I don't know squat, but when you are using a soilless medium isn't air pulled in during the drain? I thought one advantage to hydro was having the roots exposed to O2 moreso than soil. IDK..
It does, but it leaves the roots more susceptible to fungus and mold, and adverse reactions occur much faster in exposed roots. And I wouldn't think air is pulled in... like say, a gravity bong. I'm trying to halve my cake and eat it too. I want the security of soil, but more oxygen like hydro and aero. I would use humus rich soil with vermiculite pellets to keep it loose, and feed it through the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, sounds like an innovative idea! Maybe you've stumbled across something new! If you try it, let us know how it goes:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I asked this question several months ago about using an air stone from an aquarium at the bottom of the planter to add a bit more air. No one had anything to say. Upon thinking more, it will cause the soil to dry out faster and thus dry out the roots. So instead, i use hydrogen peroxide.
Thanx everybody for the insight. I thought about that as well, that is why I'd only run it on a cycle. So, how do you use the peroxide, and how often?


Well-Known Member
I buy 3% hydrogen peroxide H2O2

That extra oxygen molicule is not a stable bond and will break off and bond with another oxygen molicule. I add a couple of tsp to 1/2 gallon of water, give it a good mix, and then water my plants. Im a soil grower.