Enough time to mature? *PIcs*


Well-Known Member
When did you post this? If it were recently then probably not enough time to veg and flower no. Unless you were to move it indoors and give it a shot thru october within doors.

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
It depends how early it will start frosting where you live. If you can go into the last half of October you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
yea gets alot of sun its just theres not much time left in the season :( my 2 plants turned male so i had to start a new plant. worth a try even if there isnt enough time ill dig it up and bring it to a buds house for however much longer it may need to be


Well-Known Member
It should finish around the same time as a bigger plant since weed flowers according to its light cycle, big or small it should finish. It will just be less yield as a bigger plant.
Like I mean you could start a plant today and it will still finish, it will just be something similar to a lowryder.


Active Member
Napalese is exactly right

and that's not even that small, if given another week or so of veg time it could yield a fair amount


Well-Known Member
the smell is so intoxicating like lysol almost mmmmmm i cant wizzzait
ohh man tell me about it my crystal rain stinks sooo good im keeping a clone of her for next year i had a bunch of clones extra so i just planted them in one spot kinda close to eachother just kinda wanted to see how thay would turn out and its gota be better than throwing them away.


Well-Known Member
how much do u think ill yeild? its about 18 inches tall and starting to bud. there is about 6 branches where buds will be and the kola. quarter-half ounce maybe???


Active Member
I would say move the plant inside and flower if you are really worried, the first guy who posted you might make it but its gonna be close


Well-Known Member
I've found that it's really hard to tell whether or not something will finish or not without just actually doing it. Some plants will show hairs very quickly, then drag you on a thrill ride till it feels you're going to harvest at first snow. Others will hold out for a while, then just switch into flower mode and just pack on weight steadily...and then there's every other variation in between. I'll definitely be sending some good harvest karma your way, since I'm in the same boat with a couple of varieties which are so far untested in my climate. Best of luck!