Enough oxygen?

el rey

I have 2 4x8 trays maybe 3 inches of water in each say 70 gallons each. I have a 1/4 horse pump 1268 gallons per hour. If i pumped in water to each tray via 2 3/4 pvc and had them pour into the water like a waterfall effect do you think that would supply enouch oxygen for 18 plants in 6 inch net pots? The pump really throws some water so i'm thinking i might be good. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Well it sounds like it would work..if you are worried about it run that along with some sort of airstone...but usually waterfalls are very oxygenated...

el rey

thanks for the input. I'd like to stay away from stones if i can....just one more thing for bacteria to hang out on and get all dirty.