Enough for a search warrant?


Would someone just saying that they saw a pot plant in your yard be enough for
the police to get a search warrant?


Ok, cool. I appreciate it.

It went down like this - I had 2 (potted) plants outside and I'm pretty sure the people that own the property that borders our property saw them, but they have no proof. It was a stupid mistake on my part, but I'm really paranoid now. The plants are (and will remain) inside now.


Well-Known Member
Just depends.........on how good a job the prosecutor does in convincing a judge to issue one. Judges are often in the prosecutors pocket. Most likely the police will step up their investigation i.e. talking to neighbors, pose as utility/cable/delivery personnel to check up on your property 1st hand, look into any arrests, etc. on the people living in the house, check utility records for high usage, go thru your trash, rummage thru your cars/trucks parked outside late at night, or even sit down the street and watch the house for a bit.

I've knocked down a room or two in my day......just so I could sleep at night. It was driving me crazy.

Lastly, most people DON'T WANT TO GET INVOLVED. They may tell someone (a friend in law enforcement, etc) but normally won't deal with the hassle of it all- unless they are out to get you!


Active Member
Yes is the answer to your question..... Whether you have a Medical Marijuana Card in a legal state or not, it is illegal to grow outdoors... If a cop can see your plants, that is called "in Plain View" which constitutes the right for them to come right onto your property and start searching WITHOUT a warrant.... Use your head bro...


bud bootlegger
Yes is the answer to your question..... Whether you have a Medical Marijuana Card in a legal state or not, it is illegal to grow outdoors... If a cop can see your plants, that is called "in Plain View" which constitutes the right for them to come right onto your property and start searching WITHOUT a warrant.... Use your head bro...
what, it's not illegal to grow outdoors if you have a card m8, might want to double check that one.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i dont think they can get a warrant for 1 complaint. but all complaints are suppose to be followed up on. so i would keep them out of site and dont give them any thing else to build a case to get the warrant.

i thought they could come on your property without a warrant, but not enter your house or anything connected to the house without a warrant. not 100% on this though.


Well-Known Member
No they couldnt get a warrant for that, but how it usually goes down is someone drops a dime and they start to investigate. Whether that means just a drive by, knock and talk, taking your trash, pulling utility bills, etc. Then anything else they come up with is used to get a warrant with.


Well-Known Member
NO, YES Depends

Someone saw something that looked like weed

So it is up to the cop to make shit up for the rest of what is needed to get a search warrant

Following a annonymous tip that weed was growing
Officer Stedanko followed up and noticed the smell of marijuana cultivation
Further contact with resident of house with k-9 unit resulted in k-9 indicating a grow op
Outside the house a ziploc baggie was found
Ziploc baggies have been known to be used by drug dealers
requesting a search warrant


Active Member
Dude, Im not sure what planet you guys live on, but it is totally illegal to grow outdoors in my Medical State.... And if you are growing outdoors, it is in PLAIN VIEW, which will allow the police to come in without even getting the warrant that they would have NO problem getting if there was marijuana growing outdoors in plain view. I have a degree in Criminal Justice, and believe me when I tell you this falls under the "plain view" statute.... If its in plain view, your fucked....


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Jayfury not sure which of the states your in but heres the deal. All medi grows are technically illegal by federal laws. States who have med cards are just basically saying ok we will allow it but we can arrest you for it if we want since the fed laws over power state laws. Some cities will allow it but the county mor state troops may get you. Now these states each have their own variation. in cali a card member can grow outdoors with proper papers so what your saying is only correct to your case but even if your in a so called legal grow state the feds, state, city or county can still bust you at will since it is a federal crime and they can enforce it. That said the case is now in front of the Fl supreme court and now the federal supreme court. Cops have been allowed to walk dogs up to your door and look for a signal then get a warrant and kick in so thats legal as of today in most states. If his neighbors saw them and complained the local cops would more then likely not come right away but would start snooping ie looking at garbage at the curb as that legal for them to do.. They may watch traffic at the house...They may stop by on bullshit like looking for some fake person to get an eye from the door. They may also come asking to come in and look due to a possible complaint. Kind of depends on the area and what the norm is. A complaint is enough to get the ball rolling so yes be cautious.


Active Member
Nope not enough, BUT dont think if someone told law enforcement that they wont try and follow up, the number 1 rule is NEVER THROW ANYTHING IN THE TRASH, its what law enforcement always needs, a bit of physical evidence to get a search warrant
ive seen many applications for search warrants on grows and richard pryor couldnt make me laugh as hard as the straight up lies a cop will tell to get a warrant but with that said if u dont have a record for cultivation and dont let them in if they knock you should be fine good luck


Well-Known Member
Probably no warrant (depends on the judge and your history), however I'd expect to be investigated. Personally I'd chop and move.


Active Member
Haha chop and move? Come on now...calm down a little...breath. I had a few monsters get spotted this summer in my backyard by the neighbors, and the roofers working on the neighbors house. Its only two plants they probably have better things to do, at least they do here. I was more worried about them coming back and stealing it. So I made sure I put my pistol on my hip and walked around the yard while they were working to get any ideas out of their head.


If they are bored thats all they need...just knock knock and I smell marijuana..and you can grow outside here in AZ it has to be surrounded by a 10' wall and some other shit but it is "legal"..


Thanks everyone for the solid advice.

They are totally inside plants, I just left them outside when I was watering them so even if the coppers decided to investigate, which it sounds like everyone is pretty much in agreement that they'd be obligated to do, they wouldn't find shit. It was a stupid mistake on my part and it will NEVER happen again. I think I was just being paranoid. They've only got a couple more weeks to go anyway.


Well-Known Member
Jayfury not sure which of the states your in but heres the deal. All medi grows are technically illegal by federal laws. States who have med cards are just basically saying ok we will allow it but we can arrest you for it if we want since the fed laws over power state laws. Some cities will allow it but the county mor state troops may get you. Now these states each have their own variation. in cali a card member can grow outdoors with proper papers so what your saying is only correct to your case but even if your in a so called legal grow state the feds, state, city or county can still bust you at will since it is a federal crime and they can enforce it. That said the case is now in front of the Fl supreme court and now the federal supreme court. Cops have been allowed to walk dogs up to your door and look for a signal then get a warrant and kick in so thats legal as of today in most states. If his neighbors saw them and complained the local cops would more then likely not come right away but would start snooping ie looking at garbage at the curb as that legal for them to do.. They may watch traffic at the house...They may stop by on bullshit like looking for some fake person to get an eye from the door. They may also come asking to come in and look due to a possible complaint. Kind of depends on the area and what the norm is. A complaint is enough to get the ball rolling so yes be cautious.
Knock and talk
Dont want to talk or let the officers in?
It's on to step 2
Observe and make up