Enhancing your resin glands?

I hear that bears are attracted to menstruating women as well. To my knowledge plants do not have pheromone receptors. Sounds like hogwash to me. Plus nipping parts off plants only serves to stress it.
I wish we had bears here. I could do with one to chase the g/f away when she's menstruating.
i will say this a properly seeded plant that you know will only yield a seed or 2 can be more potent than a plant that was left alone given they wher harvested at the same time, where the unpollinated female given slightly more time it would equal the others potency. in other words the hormones do play a part in potency but not direct correlation to it rather they speed up the time in which a bud ripens and begins to convert to producing a last minute protective layer.

i have used pollination to speed up a few harvests.
To my knowledge plants do not have pheromone receptors.
I have read that plants can sense each others genetic makeup through their roots, and plants that are of like DNA, as in if they came from the same batch of seeds from the same mother plant or strain, will grow normally and work together, whereas if you put 2 diff strains of the same type of plant together, like a blueberry and a white widow in the same container, they will grow with more vigor in an attempt to choke the other one out. This doesn't happen if the plants are just next to each other in seperate containers, though, indicating the communication is through the roots. I've wondered if butting 2 smartpots up against each other would be enough to get the increased vigor but not allow one to choke the other out.
I have read that plants can sense each others genetic makeup through their roots, and plants that are of like DNA, as in if they came from the same batch of seeds from the same mother plant or strain, will grow normally and work together, whereas if you put 2 diff strains of the same type of plant together, like a blueberry and a white widow in the same container, they will grow with more vigor in an attempt to choke the other one out. This doesn't happen if the plants are just next to each other in seperate containers, though, indicating the communication is through the roots. I've wondered if butting 2 smartpots up against each other would be enough to get the increased vigor but not allow one to choke the other out.

I don't know about that but I do know that some plants roots (Perennial ryegrass being one) produce substances toxic to competing plants (Phytotoxicity)

I also know that most plants can sense the other plant growth around them and adjust growth accordingly. (Far right red reversibility). This is most apparent when walking in woods where there are 3 levels of growth. The undergrowth, middle and canopy. Each level will grow to the same height and the tree trunks will all branch at the same height.