English HomeGrown Windowsill Plant

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Shit dude, what did you do wrong?

The root system is so small, did you weigh the dried bud yet?

Computer fans can be wired up to a phone charger but only run about 6v instead of 12v, im using a psu atm, i bridged the connections so it runs without being setup within a pc and i works fucking great!

Anyway, well done on the grow, now buy some fem seed and go again!

+ rep what u made of the grow!


Well-Known Member
i hav a Question, does anybody know of a way to attach computer fans to a plug and wire so i can plug em in? or another way of using them without a PSU in ur grown room, Cheers.... :joint:
hehe, depends on the fan. I have blown my fuse box a couple of times...but then that's me. Ask the Bored Electrician (Bob Smith I think). He's on RIU, He will sort you out.


Active Member
hehe, depends on the fan. I have blown my fuse box a couple of times...but then that's me. Ask the Bored Electrician (Bob Smith I think). He's on RIU, He will sort you out.
Cheers ill hav a word with him!!.. i got about Half OZ or Just over in the End, was ok smoke actually, not head banging but a nice smooth Chilled Smoke!!!.. i think wat happned is i got Bud Rot towards the end as i had no Air Movement during Lights Off and when i woke up it was Rotting, but its cool coz in my next grow iv got a 4'' TT and Can Filter on Duct so that will b going 24/7 and im sure it Should stop Bud Rot from Forming i hope!! And the Roots were pewny wernt they? lol... mystery!!! Well cheers for ur help guys :) Merry Chrimbo and Happy Returns All!!! :weed: ill be starting a proper Fem Grow in the New Year!!!