engineers and builders


Active Member
im planning on constructing an underground room and i was wondering what i should do to reinforce the walls what kinda supplies i should buy and how mush cash i should have to build a 8x8 or 10x10 room i have access to bakc hoe and my dad will help me wiht wiring 25 years expirence in electricity so im good on that part got a shit ton of centerbricks and rebar think i got concrete jus wanna know what all i would need and should i build it under something to hide it like a shed we have a couple big ones thanx and what kinda ideas do yall have for ventilation my dad has squirell fans i can get tooi want to vent in the woods away from my house would it be impractical to run ventilation 20-50 feet? for the air going out .......thanx in advance peace


Active Member
well shit i guess my old friend mr google is waiting guess ill do this the hard way lol but dont feel like your not welcome to post any info is good my brain jus loves it im like a damn sponge


Active Member
How deep are you trying to go and have you thought about what kind of earth you'll be digging into? I'm guessing you can use the brick and rebar for the walls but have you thought about the floor (concrete or dirt?) or how you will top the room? In my head I envision alot of concrete, rebar, and bricks. Also, if this is anywhere near residential areas, I don't think you can just pull a back hoe into a yard and start digging without permits.


Well-Known Member
You don't need walls but you will need to build trusses just like an ordinary house. So either truss it out or use allot of treated 4x4 posts with CONCRETE bases to hold up 2x10 or 2x12 joists. probably get away with 2 x 10.

there is really a lot of shit to think about and ventilation is not one of them, that is the easy part. Make sure you account for drainage and man of man are you going to need a dehumidifier the size of a battleship :) assuming you don't live in the desert.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
depending on where you live you might want to get a core soil sample taken... buildings are built according to STATE/COUNTY SPECIFIC and standard federal code. CA code requires different reinforcement techniques than what for instance New York due to earthquakes. different techniques are used in pouring foundations on differnt types of sediment. but if youre not worried about anything collapsing then, dig your hole, pour your slab, throw up your cinder block walls filling at least every third cell with concrete and 3/4" rebar. use 2x12 hangers and and joist it out 16" on center with 2x12's. build a staircase or drop a ladder in up to the top and frame and opening for it. then sheet and insulate the ceiling and slap one of your sheds on top.

trusses? you gonna roof a hole in the ground.... lol.

and like the dude above said... permits.. unless you live out in the sticks where you can do whatever you want.

pay me and ill build it for you! lol.


Active Member
Civil engineer here. The safest way is to pour reinforced concrete walls. Really need more info. Is the surface dirt, red clay, rock etc. Does it rain alot?