Energy Mother Trucken Drinks


Well-Known Member
monster is good....
but what gets me even more hyped than energy drinks are this candy in a tube my stepdad bought me a few years back... I ate it and I bounced off the walls for hours, the thing is, coffee doesnt even do that to me!


Well-Known Member

don't over do it on the monster though.... that shit has too much sugar.

i like redbull too... i got this event tonight, gonna for sure get one on the way....


Well-Known Member
i drink a lot of the monster Assault drinks, I do enjoy a QT brand Donkey Kick energydrink they are only 99 cents!


Well-Known Member
when i REALLY need to focus my energy drink is a 20mg aderall... haven't had to focus that bad in a loong time... lol...


Well-Known Member
jagerbombs have red bull so i guess that would be my choice lol the monster can with resealable lid is cool tho!


Well-Known Member
I drink a Monster Zero every morning along with a ciggy. I used to drink Full Throttle Unleaded but apparently they quit making it


Active Member
eather excessive amounts of coffee in the morning or 5 hour energys do not drink for of them at a time! youll get a fuckton done but you will look like your on meth just tweakin