Ender's 4,000w Hydro 12-site (6x White Russian, 5x G13xHaze, 1x PurpleWreck) + CO2!


Active Member
Bad for you good for me haha. The two plants I.that picture are either pineapple express or blue hash, so I can still hopefully figure it out with your grow. ;)


Well-Known Member
Dont worry buddy, i got you covered! haha, ill be sure to post close-ups of the pineapple express once it starts growing (its one of the baby sprouts right now), and ill still take more pics of the g13xhaze for you too. But you gotta be more organized with your strains man!! How did you get them mixed up anyhow?


Active Member
Well it started out organized until the whole humid dome with freshly cracked seeds fell over and several seeds fell out of their cubes..... :'(


Well-Known Member
Oh damn that sucks haha.. But wow you must've had the seeds right at the top of your cubes! It sounds like they werent buried very deep if they all fell out of their cubes..


Active Member
I used the little 1 inch rockwool cubes with the holes in the top. They were about an inch in, but I was nervous about closing the top hole in around them. A lot of people say to do it, but I am very impatient and extremely hands on so I like to see if they are developing correctly. The tray fell about 4 ft to the floor only 1 berry bomb fell out for some reason but all the others fell out of their cubes. I need to find someone doing a blue hash grow lol. I don't know much about hash plants. Do they get huge or are they leafy? Lol why are they called hash plants?


Active Member
Flowering period indoors: 50-55 days
Harvest outdoors: Until 10th October
T.H.C: High(12%-16%)
C.B.D: Medium
Production: High
Height outdoors: Can reach 3 m
Blend: Indica-Sativa, with Indica dominance Genotype: Blueberry x California HashPlant.
Sorry for spamming on your journal man. There really aren't any references on rollitup on this strain. O didn't find a single journal.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea why its called hashplant, i assume its because it produces alot of thc, but from the numbers you just posted it doesnt have very high thc content (relatively speaking).. So who knows. Maybe the hybrid lowered the thc content. but again im not sure..

But about your cubes, you should ALWAYS close the hole.. You should be soaking your cubes in ph'd water for an hour, then putting the seed in, and pressing the rockwool down around and above the seed, and then putting it in a tray of some kind (or a humidity dome) and under a fluorescent light.. The reason this is so important is because they WILL NOT germinate if they arent in complete darkness. and if you dont have the hole covered up then the light will be getting through and hitting the seed. Besides, if you ever want to take a look all you gotta do is peel back a tiny little chunk of rockwool and voala! you see the seed.. I do it all the time when its taking longer than i like. But you should ALWAYS cover it up.. In any case, it sucks what happened. Hopefully you'll be able to identify it soon. ill try to help you out bro.


Active Member
I just took a different tactic and kept the dome in total darkness until the little sprouts popped, but I did have a couple that gave up on life after developing a root. Maybe that was the cause, I figured it was the musky smell in the dome that I attributed to mildew/mold from the excess moisture, I always have bad luck with domes.


Active Member
I used the little 1 inch rockwool cubes with the holes in the top. They were about an inch in, but I was nervous about closing the top hole in around them. A lot of people say to do it, but I am very impatient and extremely hands on so I like to see if they are developing correctly. The tray fell about 4 ft to the floor only 1 berry bomb fell out for some reason but all the others fell out of their cubes. I need to find someone doing a blue hash grow lol. I don't know much about hash plants. Do they get huge or are they leafy? Lol why are they called hash plants?
think they are called hash plants because thats what they were bread for could be wrong but i would guess that it was a strain primarily made for hash production comes from a part of the world that not to many people smoke the buds of the plant its mainly processed into hash. damn i missed an update what was the price of that water chiller i need to add 1 to my hydro system everything is looking nice when do u plan on flowering these bad girls ?


Well-Known Member
Trouble27 - If i remember correctly, i paid something like $330 for the chiller.. I get 25% discount off of retail price from my local hydro shop, so i think the retail was something like $450. I absolutely love it, it works great for my 55gal res. The 1/10 hp is more than enough to keep it chilled.. But anyway as far as the plants go, it will be a while. They're just now starting to show vigorous growth after being stunted, so it'll probably be a few weeks before i start flowering them. Im gonna let them veg til they're between waist-chest height so they produce some good colas :)

The plants are really starting to show vigor now in veg, and the new sprouts are doing great as well! So ill be posting up some new pictures sometime soon. Stay tuned for an update shortly!


Active Member
right on discounts always help out . i like big plants too always seems more worth it in the end i was just checkin to see how long i had to wait to see these start packin it on how do u train ur plants topping lst super cropping or just letem go wild and if u said in begining sorry im too lazy to go back and check right now shouldnt of ate that brownie im ripped peace.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Haha, brownies, nice..

As far as training goes, im not sure yet because these are all new strains.
I have never grown any of these strains before, so im not sure how they will
grow in veg, and what kind of shape they will have, etc..
But i usually LST the branches into the shape i want them, and if the main cola
is really high above the rest of the branches i will top it. From the way they look
so far, the White Russian will be a nice bushy plant and wont need much training,
but the G13xHaze seems to be a very vertically growing plant, so i will probably need
to top it once it gets a little bit bigger. The rest of them are too small to tell yet.
I will take some pictures soon and post them up. They're looking really nice.


Well-Known Member
upinthemguts - Its not a matter of WHO, its a matter of WHAT.. The only thing you've gotta BLOW, is MONEY. Basically most shops in my area give a 20% discount to customers who come often, but if you spend ALOT of money at a certain growshop, like i have, they sometimes will increase your discount, like they did for me.. So basically you just gotta shop there often, spend alot of money, and eventually they'll realize you're someone who deserves a larger discount. In my area, there are a few different distributors that shops go through for products, but the biggest distributor in my area is sunlightsupply. you can see their website and products at www.sunlightsupply.com and it lists all the "retail" prices. So shops usually give 20% off of the listed price on their website. But again, its this simple: if you deserve a bigger discount, youll get one. When i finally got 25% it was when i made an order that was about $1400. I think it was when i added 2 more lights to my room, so it was probably for like 2 digi ballasts, 2 reflectors, 2 bulbs, and i think a full line of nutrients, and maybe some other miscellaneous items. lol so basically you just gotta spend money to earn the discount. Let me also note that the shops usually get about a 40% discount off of list price, so at 25% they're already giving up over half of their profit margin. So i cant really expect much more than that. But occasionally you can get 30% if youre reaaally lucky. Anyway, whats the big name distributor in your area? like, who does your local shops get their products from?

PS. If you see something on the sunlightsupply website you want, i can get it for 25% off the price listed. Just let me know, and id be glad to get you what you want and ship it to you, as long as you cover all the costs involved.


Well-Known Member
Okaaaay okaaaaay ill post an update tonight, i promise.. Give me a few hours, ive got some stuff going on, and then ill take some pictures and post them up for you guys to take a looksie at. The plants are definitely moving along, but they're in different stages of growth just because i had to replace a couple with new sprouts a while back, and then some more new sprouts a week or so ago.. So theres like 3 different stages of growth lol.. But the ones that are furthest along are lookin grrrrreat! (as tony the tiger would say) haha.. Anyway stay tuned, ill post up some pics tonight guys.


Well-Known Member
lol im so so sorry you guys, ive just been super busy lately.. I had to deal with some things, and on top of that i just started fall term at the local college. So ive been really distracted and havent had much time to play. Plus everytime i take pictures i have to borrow my friends camera. But anyway i think the time between updates will serve as a pleasant surprise, with how much they've grown since i last posted pictures. I promise ill grab the camera tomorrow and take a bunch of pictures for you guys. Look forward to an update tomorrow!

Thanks again to all of you who are following!

Friendly Caregiver

Well-Known Member
Its a 4000w setup using hydro buckets, of course we are following!! Update them pics soon!! Take pics with your phone and email them to yourself, 1 at a time.