End of the world


Active Member
So I have a situation, that I need advice on. I have a UK CHEESE that is just past half way on flowering. I really want to be able to smoke it, but the end of the world tomorrow is really screwing that up. I have not yet begun to harvest. My question is how can I dry and smoke a couple of Z's before the earth is sucked into the dark abyss of nothingness in the center of the galaxy. I have other weed to smoke, but I don't want my baby to die in vain.

Ok, my scare is over after a couple of hits (not my CHEESE), I realized that the world is not going to end in 2012, the Mayans were smoking primitive crack, They should have been smoking marijuana.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, Jello saved the world!



New Member
dnt be a dingbat. saying that ive got a few seeds stashed up incase we have to bear grylls style it !


Well-Known Member
If the world was supposed to end tmrw it would have happened a while back the myans didnt have leap years


Well-Known Member
Ahh take that mayan calender,hope you did not waste ur cheese on man's foolishness.lol. happy holiday all you stoners


Well-Known Member
What! no zombies? Now what am I gonna do with all this survival gear? Anyone want some beef jerky?


Active Member
WTF. I WOKE UP THIS MORNING AND I AM STILL ALIVE. I knew that I shouldn't have eaten my last box of twinkies, lol. But in all seriousness, I hope no one takes this 12 21 12 thing too seriously. When and if something like this was to happen, its not like we could do anything to change it. SO PULL UP A LAWN CHAIR, LIGHT A FATTY, AND HAVE A FRONT ROW SEAT TO THE END OF ALL OF OUR ASSES. lol


Active Member
Mayan conversation:

Mayan #1- Hey, wanna go smoke a doobie?

Mayan #2- No, I have to finish this damn calendar.

Mayan #1- Oh come on, it's not like it will be the end of the world if you don't finish it.


RIU Bulldog
So I have a situation, that I need advice on. I have a UK CHEESE that is just past half way on flowering. I really want to be able to smoke it, but the end of the world tomorrow is really screwing that up. I have not yet begun to harvest. My question is how can I dry and smoke a couple of Z's before the earth is sucked into the dark abyss of nothingness in the center of the galaxy. I have other weed to smoke, but I don't want my baby to die in vain.

Ok, my scare is over after a couple of hits (not my CHEESE), I realized that the world is not going to end in 2012, the Mayans were smoking primitive crack, They should have been smoking marijuana.
It wasn't the Mayans who said the world was ending. It's was stupid pseudo-intellectuals, faux-prophets and savvy businessmen capitalizing on people's fears. The makers of SPAM and MRE's are laughing all the way to the bank :mrgreen:
In fact, the Mayan's statment on the end of the Long Count calendar's 13th b'aktun is this:
In a statement released by Oxlaljuj Ajpop, the end of the cycle simply "means there will be big changes on the personal, family and community level, so that there is harmony and balance between mankind and nature."

Just saying... if you're gonna generalize about a people, at least have your facts straight.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I have to report that the world is in fact coming to an end as I write this. A rain of molten politicians is falling all over the fields outside my house. A friend called me a few minutes ago to say that he got a call from his cable provider and they are lowering their monthly rates for no reason at all. If these tiding do not portend the end of days then I don't know what would.


the whole thing is just fear mongering to get the dumb to buy for the worst the media is the best place to fear monger for the big companies fear mongering created the prepper