End of the month Economy Scrape...


Well-Known Member
I don't know what happened, but October seemed to have 5 weeks in it and I only budgeted for 4. So it's no money = no meds for another week. Time to scrape the bubbler! How do ya'll maximize those times when the two ends don't meet? More specifically, I have a grinder and a bunch of old oil containers. How do I maximize their cleaning/smoking? For example, how do I get at these goodies......?


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More simply you can try a grinder brush.. I scrape a fuck ton crystal out of my grinder / old cannafarms bottles. Enough to press a little bit of resin.

As far as the caked on gummy goodness... You're probably looking at some isypropyl
I don't know what happened, but October seemed to have 5 weeks in it and I only budgeted for 4. So it's no money = no meds for another week. Time to scrape the bubbler! How do ya'll maximize those times when the two ends don't meet? More specifically, I have a grinder and a bunch of old oil containers. How do I maximize their cleaning/smoking? For example, how do I get at these goodies......?
Wow! That brought back a really funny memory from my high school days. My dad owned a 5-plex and after he evicted a guy, he found a bunch of oil vials in a kitchen drawer. He was a straight military guy and had no idea what they were, other than "some kind of drugs"! He threw them in the garbage, and I promptly retrieved them. I found the best way to get the scrapings is to put 1 drop of water in the vial and put the lid on. Place the vials upside down in a pot of water using a plate or something to hold them down, and boil the hell out of them. All that oily goodness should be deposited in the lid. Been a while, 1979?...but I remember it working!
Brings back a few memories for me too.....
Once my older brother was ripping me off....so I took the cap off of a 5-ver vial and pulled out the gasket inside the lid.
I melted an X into the lid ..with my pin ...and the replaced the gasket..poured a gram back into the vial.....
sure enough a couple of days later.....it went missing.....
So I confronted my bro....and of course he "didn't take it" ....so I asked him to show me the collection of vials he had...
in his dresser drawer....confidently he removed 4 or 5 vials from his dresser.....having already smoked or removed the oil
from it or them.....My eyes honed in on one particular vial though.....and sure enough....while he watched....I removed the lid....and popped out the rubber gasket.....sure enough and as plain as day....was the X I had marked there just a few days before.....
Shortly after my big bro.....got his first bitch slappin....from his baby bro.....
ps OP did you consider maybe a tolerance break...for this week....or asking a friend for....a front..or spot....until next week....
Yeah, tried the front/spot and it didn't go over so well. Spending $500 a month for the last 3-4 months has not earned me any credit. :(

After this iso cleaning run it will be forced abstinence for me. Not looking forward to it, but what can ya do eh?

Will I have to put this over a low heat to be able to use today.......?


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Thanks gang, that'll hold me over for a couple for sure! Feeling less pain = more productive Sun evening!

Peace out....
Yep. Burning small flattened balls over my last ash bowl w the bubbler. It will do for a couple dayz but can't wait til payday!!!