End of season?


I started growing this amazing plant on my balcony lol, but i got it realllllly late so i need to know whats the absolute longest i can leave it outsite. any help is appreciated, also i live in Ontario Canada if that is needed lol.:hump:

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
I wish mine was in a planter bro. You dont even have anything to worry about, just move her inside when it gets really cold out, like a chance of frost. Mine is planted in the ground, and will have to endure many frosts.


Will it keep growing when its inside? cause i don't got any light setup going. and sorry to hear about your poor baby :(

iluv r3dtub3

New Member
u got a sun light or just reg cfls or just spend 50 bucks and get a hps from the store well worth it on the bud you will get off the plant and you will have the light for future grows