End of overseas seeds


Well-Known Member
This is a hypothetical thread that I wanted to start and want tons of opinions with the market forever changing, genetics going a different route,and customs getting more intelligent. A shipment was received and I've seen probably 40 to 50 this one was the most sophisticated I've seen yet I'm not going into details but when customs catches on to this I don't see anymore making it over maybe here and there but you'll see tons of seizures. It's unfortunate over a miracle medicine. The package was opened and when I opened it I thought I was beat, very clever it's only a matter of time before some kid gets his order all over YouTube trying to be cool and blows the shipping the days of clothing is over they are being seized constantly. Seed banks are shipping through different countries but this is a last effort what a shame I'm glad I landed solid genetics. Thank you attitude herbies etc for never failing. I can only pray the chance to get all genetics will be an option forever some people for get what stealth means ok I'm done let's puff

ky man

Well-Known Member
Why not buy from American banks if you live in the states?The American banks have beater beans any way in my book.Most over the big pond strains are weeker in thc now days for there not like the old day I don't think no moor..ky


Well-Known Member
Never used anyone besides attitude and herbies honestly I see the us banks just haven't researched which ones are legit or not