end all


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone has used the end all safe soap? Far as anyone knows if it will be effective towards Clover mites. I haven't seen them on my plants yet but they are all over my grow room.


Well-Known Member
U got lots a bugs then lol I would be getting sticky strips for a start off and tape the top of the pots off leave a water and air hole


Well-Known Member
YEa The clover Mite came in on some bricks that I brought in from outside. I don't know why I didn't spray them off before I brought them in. I didn't know the bugs are on them though. And I think the nat just normal household gnats


Well-Known Member
I also has these little guys flying around everywhere looks like some sort of Nat
That's a shore fly. They love wet environs like fungus gnats. They are common in commercial ag greenhouses and are family innocuous.