Empirical proof that I am indeed George Manuel Oliveira!

but you keep saying your humble?...... Why are you any different to other humble people ?

I am not so different from "other humble people".

But, I am different from other humble people, because most humble people don't believe they are the Christ- the Prophet- the Savior- the Messiah- the Creator- the Lord- the Maker- etc..

But, I am humble in My own way, even though I am claiming to be great.

I am not so different from "other humble people".

But, I am different from other humble people, because most humble people don't believe they are the Christ- the Prophet- the Savior- the Messiah- the Creator- the Lord- the Maker- etc..

But, I am humble in My own way, even though I am claiming to be great.

just make sure you get the correct meds buddy

some concerning advice George :)
It's an identity fraud thing. He hates to talk about it.

I don't believe anyone else is claiming to be Me- George Manuel Oliveira- the child of Mary and Nuno.

I am unique. No one else is Me. No one can seriously claim to be Me, because I am an individual, even though I am connected to the multiverse.

Anyone that claims to be Me is an imposter. I am on My own level. I am...

Sure, anyone can claim anything, but the facts will always be the facts. No one is allowed to change history, if they are intellectually honest.

I am a fact of life. I am in history. No one can honestly debunk My existence. I am not a fairy tale. I am the Witness to the ultimate Truth.

I don't believe anyone else is claiming to be Me- George Manuel Oliveira- the child of Mary and Nuno.

I am unique. No one else is Me. No one can seriously claim to be Me, because I am an individual, even though I am connected to the multiverse.

Anyone that claims to be Me is an imposter. I am on My own level. I am...

Sure, anyone can claim anything, but the facts will always be the facts. No one is allowed to change history, if they are intellectually honest.

I am a fact of life. I am in history. No one can honestly debunk My existence. I am not a fairy tale. I am the Witness to the ultimate Truth.

I'm assuming your mom is nuno?
I don't believe anyone else is claiming to be Me- George Manuel Oliveira- the child of Mary and Nuno.

I am unique. No one else is Me. No one can seriously claim to be Me, because I am an individual, even though I am connected to the multiverse.

Anyone that claims to be Me is an imposter. I am on My own level. I am...

Sure, anyone can claim anything, but the facts will always be the facts. No one is allowed to change history, if they are intellectually honest.

I am a fact of life. I am in history. No one can honestly debunk My existence. I am not a fairy tale. I am the Witness to the ultimate Truth.

I'm assuming your mom is nuno?

No, My mother is Mary.

Almost everyone knows that Mary is known as "the mother of God."

And My dads name is Nuno.

The name "Nuno" sounds exactly like saying the words "knew no".

It is known that "Mary knew no man." But if you use semantics, that sounds exactly like saying, "Mary... Nuno- man".

Does everyone follow so far?

The next two sentences sound exactly the same:

Mary knew no man.

Mary... Nuno- man.

My mother was not a vigin when I was concieved, but "Mary... Nuno- man".

Its an almost 2,000 year old hint to My dads name.

Mary is My mother, and Nuno is My father.

"Mary knew no man", sounds exactly like saying "Mary... Nuno- man."

It makes sense to Me.

Do you guys follow?

No, My mother is Mary.

Almost everyone knows that Mary is known as "the mother of God."

And My dads name is Nuno.

The name "Nuno" sounds exactly like saying the words "knew no".

It is known that "Mary knew no man." But if you use semantics, that sounds exactly like saying, "Mary... Nuno- man".

Does everyone follow so far?

The next two sentences sound exactly the same:

Mary knew no man.

Mary... Nuno- man.

My mother was not a vigin when I was concieved, but "Mary... Nuno- man".

Its an almost 2,000 year old hint to My dads name.

Mary is My mother, and Nuno is My father.

"Mary knew no man", sounds exactly like saying "Mary... Nuno- man."

It makes sense to Me.

Do you guys follow?

you said u can cure cancer George on RF ....... My grandad is going to be so happy.....thank u:)
thanks for my new burner phone, lol jk credit fraud ppl should be murder and raped.
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No, My mother is Mary.

Almost everyone knows that Mary is known as "the mother of God."

And My dads name is Nuno.

The name "Nuno" sounds exactly like saying the words "knew no".

It is known that "Mary knew no man." But if you use semantics, that sounds exactly like saying, "Mary... Nuno- man".

Does everyone follow so far?

The next two sentences sound exactly the same:

Mary knew no man.

Mary... Nuno- man.

My mother was not a vigin when I was concieved, but "Mary... Nuno- man".

Its an almost 2,000 year old hint to My dads name.

Mary is My mother, and Nuno is My father.

"Mary knew no man", sounds exactly like saying "Mary... Nuno- man."

It makes sense to Me.

Do you guys follow?

She wasn't a virgin then maybe she is now? Did you ask them if they had sex and you are the result?

What race is nuno? Interesting name.
I don't believe anyone else is claiming to be Me- George Manuel Oliveira- the child of Mary and Nuno.

I am unique. No one else is Me. No one can seriously claim to be Me, because I am an individual, even though I am connected to the multiverse.

Anyone that claims to be Me is an imposter. I am on My own level. I am...

Sure, anyone can claim anything, but the facts will always be the facts. No one is allowed to change history, if they are intellectually honest.

I am a fact of life. I am in history. No one can honestly debunk My existence. I am not a fairy tale. I am the Witness to the ultimate Truth.

i beleave in you. messiah george jorge manuel ramirez perez oliveria the third
Molecular Biologist Discovers THC Kills Cancer Cells: Dr. Christina Sanchez

Thank you for PROVING that marijuana oil cures cancer.

just remember to get your shots my friend ok :)

have a nice day George......... Don't look into your thoughts too much buddy.....it can send you mad.
She wasn't a virgin then maybe she is now? Did you ask them if they had sex and you are the result?

What race is nuno? Interesting name.

Of course My parents had sex. My mother, Mary, had 3 children. I have an older brother, and a younger sister: so that would make Me the middle child.

My dad, Nuno, is 100% Portuguese. My dad is from the Portuguese islands called the Azores, and My dads island is called Saint Michaels.

So that makes Me half Portuguese, and I am also 25% Lithuanian, almost 25% Scottish, and a little bit Irish... or so I've been told.

And this is why its so important that I empirically prove that I am "George Manuel Oliveira". I am basing My novel Spirituality off of Myself, science, logic, prophecy, etc..

You should only believe in Me after you see My facts, My evidence, My prophecies, the Bible stories that I have fulfilled, and also after you get to know Me, etc..

I am not a cult leader, so I could care less who believes in Me. Its not like I am trying to start a cult, I just want to be known and respected.

Its a fact that I am alive right now.

Its not a fact that any major religion has their prophet alive.

For example; Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Moses, or any alleged "god", they're all dead.

I am alive.

I will die one day, too, but I have an autobiography of My Life.

You can know for certain exactly what I have said.

You can watch videos of Me, and see what I look like, what I talk like, you can listen to some of My prophecies, you can learn empirical facts about Me, etc..

I will be recorded forever. Its a fact that I am alive, and its a fact that I am a real person; born of mother Mary.

Its a fact that My Name is "George Manuel Oliveira".

Its a fact that My Name means "Farmer God is with us, olive tree."

Its a fact that the Bible mentions the olive tree many times, if you read, "Romans 11:16-26".

Its a fact that Jesus (allegedly) said that he would have a "NEW NAME", if you read "Revelation 3:12".

Its a fact that My mothers name is "Mary".

Its a fact that My initals are GMO, for George Manuel Oliveira.

Its a fact that GMO stands for "Genetically Modified Organism".

Its a fact that My initials, GMO, backwards is OMG.

Its a fact that OMG stands for "O My God".

Its a fact that My dads name is Nuno.

Its a fact that the name Nuno, sounds exactly like saying the words "knew no".

Its known that "Mary knew no man". If you use semantics, that sounds exactly like saying, "Mary... Nuno- man".

I have a myraid amount of facts about Myself.

I am not even showing you all the Bible stories that I have fulfilled.

And My prophecies, and My prophecies are great too.

If I am ever the King of the world, I will have My own global online government. And the people of the world will take the place of the politicians, and the whole world can vote from their computers. My government is the apex of politics.

I could go on why I believe in Myself.

But, I am just a humble person with no power to implement My plans. Its all good in theory, but I am not a lawmaker or politician.

I blog on the internet to try and reach people that can help Me, and the rest of the world.

But, no, no one needs to believe in Me.

I am Blessed!

Can anyone debunk anything I just said? If not, why don't you believe in Me?
