Are you all preparing? I started about 18 months ago here. First, I planted a garden. This year, I expanded it, roughly doubled the size. It produces a fair amount of food. I also started cutting back on frivolous expenses and instead started paying off all debt and racking up some cash. With some of the cash, I put it into stuff that gains value over time, regardless of what the economy does. Finally, since I smoke cigs, I started buying a carton a week even though I only smoke half that much. I'm up to 35 cartons now.
For banked money, I spread it across three different banks, four different accounts, just in case one goes down, then I'll still have no probs accessing the others. But I kept some cash AS cash too, just in case all three banks go down and everything goes to shit overnight and I can't get to any of my bank accounts.
I've got about four pounds of 24k gold and gems stashed too. The woman wears some of it, but its real purpose is as 'in case of emergency, sell this' assets.
Credit cards all paid off, except one, which is at 0% anyway, so no big deal. Income is not reliant on having a job. Car and house are paid for. So, food, shelter, transportation, all addressed. Emergency assets, check. 18 months worth of cigs (so far), check. Guess I need to stock up on some weapons next, just in case things get real REAL bad, because I'd rather be a cannibal than be eaten by one. Heh.
And if it all blows over harmlessly? Well, then I guess I overreacted with my preparations. But I'd rather be over-prepared than under-prepared.