Eminems New Album


Well-Known Member
i dont care if you hate Hip-Hop music or you Dont like eminem But his new Album Relapse is some of the best music Ive herd recently. I dont know where to go with this Thread I just wanted it 2b announced lol


New Member
don't like the single out right now, but got of few songs of his on some mixtapes that are sick, best ones called same ol song and im so alone and old times sake but the beats a bit shit, any of those on it?


Well-Known Member
i used to like him when i was little...

he's ok, i like how he makes fun of a lot of the people who NEED to be made fun of but no1 has the balls to do it

cheef tomahawk

Well-Known Member
great cd wow kinda hard to belive the one song one the radio is garbage his last cd was not that great and the one befor that .. now day's rap = pop cd's sold in stores are wack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
now day's rap = pop cd's sold in stores are wack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sooooooooo True. Also why does almost every rapper feel they can use Auto tune??? I mean it works for T-pain that doesnt mean it works 4 kanye and It sure as hell duz not work 4 Wayne (especialy in prom Queen)
yea relapse is a great cd i love ho he makes fun of ppl thats hillarious and his music videos are funny as well i kinda wish there was some of the guys from d12 on there


Active Member
Not a big fan of some of the main stream songs, but I'm glad i bought a copy cause the rest of the CD is kick ass.


Active Member
cuz 50's influence on em's company is nothing but trash and as much as you wanna say about wayne and autotune the man is making money and judging by his fans the white girls are loving the shit...i was smoking wit my dude a couple weeks back and we brought over some chicks n smoked em out asked em what there fav. wayne album was before the the carter 3 they couldnt answer...his autotune game has got them hooked...

Em on the other hand will always have his following of fans only because most of us can remember everything before encore...


Yeah, dude. I listen to rock (and even make rock) music exclusively. But this new album Relapse is fuckin off the meat rack. Every song is good, and I like Beautiful, believe it or not, because that's him really singing (using pitch correction of course).
But yeah, I can't stop listening to it! I love the hook in Medicine Ball. My Mom has a good hook too. Damn. Everything is good.

Oh shit... And:

IT MUST BE THE GANGA! How could I forget!


Without AutoTune, some of us would be fucked, including me. I know it's controversial and all, but hey. It's technology... I'm not the best singer, but it has gotten me to (once pitch corrected) see what I really MEANT to sing, so it actually helps me in the long run, believe it or not...
And back to Eminem, I like how he's using Melodyne also (end of Bagpipes from Baghdad, and in My Mom when he says "My Valium" in the middle of the song.
Hehe, pitch correction...