

Well-Known Member
I got a call from my landlord today saying that a pipe froze outside and the plumer was coming over tomorrow to fix it, the problem is that he has to drill a hole through my grow closet!!!! :wall:
My condo is small, 500 square feet and I just moved here so I dont know anyone! My plants are close to 4 feet tall!! I have no idea wtf i should do. There is no where to hide them in here!! Is this a sign?!! Opinions anyone??? Btw its the landlords condo she use to live in and shes going to be here too and I have finals so I wont! WTF!


Well-Known Member
hate to say it man but unless u have a hideout for them u might have to trash them babies,if i lived close to u iw ould hold them for u.Im sorry to hear this man this sounds like a horrible situation!!!


Well-Known Member
i might,i live 45 mins north of the windy city.do u have any closets or nething in ur house to hide them in?if not that sucks,i would def hold them for u but it would be hard to get them into my apartment with people around here they might notice us carrying in 4 feet plants lol.im praying for u man hoping u dont have to kill thos beautiful babies!


Well-Known Member
i might,i live 45 mins north of the windy city.do u have any closets or nething in ur house to hide them in?if not that sucks,i would def hold them for u but it would be hard to get them into my apartment with people around here they might notice us carrying in 4 feet plants lol.im praying for u man hoping u dont have to kill thos beautiful babies!

id risk leaving them unattended in a little wooded area before i would trash them!

find an area with alot of plants and put them there in the night and get them back the next night


Well-Known Member
thats actually a good idea,if u live close to any wooded areas id try that.i wouldnt want those beautiful babies to die like that thats such a horrible situation if that happens to me im going to flip!let us know what u have to do im here for u man,i feel the stress already


Well-Known Member
me too man thanks for the support, i only have a front closet and a pantry closet... The girls are 3 weeks flowering so Im too worried about the smell to hide them in either.. What a shitty situation to be in...


Well-Known Member
lol yea it is snowing and freezing so they would die outside i should of thought of that.do u ahve anything to control the odor?cause then maybe u can hide them in one of the other closets!!


Well-Known Member
like one of those automatic air spray things,or odor gels.if not maybe u can go out to the store and buy them to try it.idk its a risky situation either way ill be praying for u man,best of luck to you.if u have to trash those babies ill feel the pain as well.i havent seen them but they sound lovely to be that big and flowering.im only 2 weeks into my grow


Well-Known Member
do you have a car or something? just chuck em in the boot, even if they have to be trimmed a feet or two i dnno. For a few hours it doesnt matter, they would make it.


Well-Known Member
under the bed? i dnno they budding or what? nothing is worth getting caught over be careful man hope its all cool!


Well-Known Member
Rent a room under an alias at a seedy motel. Stash your grow there until the heat is off. Ground floor away from the main office. Hang a do not disturb sign on the door.

Good luck and good growing.


Well-Known Member
Rent a room under an alias at a seedy motel. Stash your grow there until the heat is off. Ground floor away from the main office. Hang a do not disturb sign on the door.

Good luck and good growing.
good idea man but i dont have the funds to do that or transportation


Well-Known Member
under the bed? i dnno they budding or what? nothing is worth getting caught over be careful man hope its all cool!
have you got a washing machine? is there one close? if you can do alot of washing and get the clothes conditioner with frabreeze in it. then hang your washing up everywhere put you undies and stuff infront of where you hide your plants nobody should go in there.
also cook yourself something smelling like fried kipper or bacon or something