Emergency watch now!!!


Well-Known Member
God help the simple minds that vote for any republican candidate, although I'm not particularly inclined to vote for Obama again due to his unrelenting assault on medical marijuana dispensaries and caregivers which he explicitly promised would not happen. I think I'll probably piss my next presidential vote away on Ron Paul or Gary Johnson.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that didn't make much sense. Are you asking him if he fucked your mind into a piece of shit? Or asking him if he is a piece of shit for fucking your mind up...I...just don't get it. lol


Well-Known Member
Its just too bad. While you have the time with your marijuana cards to learn perhaps you should all learn the ways of the outdoor. May not be safe in years to come to grow in your home as it is know. Just me but plan B is always around.


Well-Known Member

Just because some one say its so dose not make it so. Quit believing what the media tells you and do your own research and don't be part of the dumb-masses.
Ok, then shed some light on this for us.

Clearly you're aware of some info that would discredit this piece, so please share.


Well-Known Member
This is a horrible year to vote 3rd party! If you piss away your vote, we could end up with this:


Well-Known Member
She is great man - now they made her mad.
We are lucky at least one big news place is exposing some of this crap we deal with here in Michigan.


Well-Known Member
This is a horrible year to vote 3rd party! If you piss away your vote, we could end up with this:

Or you can have what you have now. A lying two faced hypocrite! Telling us all he will not go after MMP...


Well-Known Member
I'd rather have Obama cutting subsidies, tax cuts for the rich, improving healthcare; than Mitt giving our money to the rich and hiding his own out of reach. I love how the middle class pays all the bills while the rich have all the money to lobby and make the rules.

I suppose if Marijuana policy is the only thing that's important, then your good to go with Ron Paul or Gary Johnson.


Well-Known Member
well, at this point, any vote for Newt or Ron, is a vote for Obama. Unless Ron Paul actually gets the dels, And the VOTES! YES WE CAN)

Fine with me, If Smitt Mitt gets the WH, can you say Federal AG Bill Schuette? I puke when i try it.
Go Obama.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather have Obama cutting subsidies, tax cuts for the rich, improving healthcare; than Mitt giving our money to the rich and hiding his own out of reach. I love how the middle class pays all the bills while the rich have all the money to lobby and make the rules.

I suppose if Marijuana policy is the only thing that's important, then your good to go with Ron Paul or Gary Johnson.

You been hiding under a rock? The rich pay 90% of the taxes now how much more should they pay? Do some research for yourself and quit believing what the media tells you. Educate your self man so you don't make dumb statements like above...


Well-Known Member
Go Obama.
I have read your rants and all kind of childish finger pointing.

You would rather have somebody lie to your face than a person who is honestly telling you what he will do?
I have seen you make yourself look dumb now you have confirmed my suspicions. Gawd help us all if your boy gets a second term!


Well-Known Member
You been hiding under a rock? The rich pay 90% of the taxes now how much more should they pay? Do some research for yourself and quit believing what the media tells you. Educate your self man so you don't make dumb statements like above...

Jesus Christ .... why do you think they pay most of the taxes???? Could it be because they have most of the money/wealth?

When Mitt Romney makes 27 million, and pays an effective tax rate of 15.4%, and the average schlepp making 60k a year is paying 30%, something is wrong with the system.

The other thing that YOU need to educate yourself on is this: Apologists for the rich like to point to the fact that the rich pay the majority of income taxes in this country. What you conveniently leave out is that EVERYONE pays the same percentage of PAYROLL taxes in this country regardless of income. The feds generate roughly 1 trillion dollars annually in income tax, and 1 trillion annually in payroll taxes as well. So, everyone has skin in the game, and all but the most ignorant among us have woken up to the fact that the game is rigged. The people at the top are accumulating more and more wealth, and the rest of us are getting squeezed tighter every year.

I can't fucking stand people that kiss rich peoples asses, and don't even know what the fuck it is they're talking about!