Emergency!! They might know!!


Well-Known Member
if i was walking and saw it. i think i would stop and look around to get a better picture. are there 2 or 3 or 200. is someone watching me. are they real. but then again if one of em didn't smoke and the other did maybe they wouldn't have stopped. i think also if i was gonna steal, which i wouldn't, i would pinch off a piece and try it out. why not?


Well-Known Member
Nice Passion Flower PIMP.
Smokablunt16: We did not see your grow, everything is cool, continue your work.
Joe, with the survey crew.


Well-Known Member
Nice Passion Flower PIMP.
Smokablunt16: We did not see your grow, everything is cool, continue your work.
Joe, with the survey crew.
LMAO!! i know u didnt see shit because i bet u dont know what i was wearin n shit? Did i talk to you? What color were ur shirts? Wut town do i live in...

that was pretty damn funny though...:weed:


Well-Known Member
Just rambo it in the bush for the next week. Then nobody will steal your plants.

I love the, "Oh, Shit" hit the ground militant style when you get spooked in the bush. Gets that blood pumping.


Well-Known Member
Just rambo it in the bush for the next week. Then nobody will steal your plants.

I love the, "Oh, Shit" hit the ground militant style when you get spooked in the bush. Gets that blood pumping.
HAHA funny u said that...Im hunter and have ALL the camo gear u need so Everyday this week im suiting up and lockin myself down for a week to check shit out and secure the area..Im dead serious...im bringing lunch box n bud then just gonna chill all camo'ed up n just wait..ive worked for 7 months on this shit and not lettin it go...

If smeone does go over by them im bringing smoke grenades and distracting them so i can run up and cut them real quick.. im 100% serious about this to ..HAHAHHAHAHAHa


Well-Known Member
HAHA funny u said that...Im hunter and have ALL the camo gear u need so Everyday this week im suiting up and lockin myself down for a week to check shit out and secure the area..Im dead serious...im bringing lunch box n bud then just gonna chill all camo'ed up n just wait..ive worked for 7 months on this shit and not lettin it go...

If smeone does go over by them im bringing smoke grenades and distracting them so i can run up and cut them real quick.. im 100% serious about this to ..HAHAHHAHAHAHa
Got a good laugh off that one. Got a Gilly suit?:idea:

Soooooo Great.:clap::clap: Smoke grenades would work well. See someone by your plants, throw the smoke grenade and run up with your machete and hack it down with one swing and your outta there.

7 days in the bush for 7 months of work. I would do it any day of the week.
As long as I got food to eat and bud to smoke to pass the time I would do the same. Just if its cops coming you won't be moving an inch :shock:


Well-Known Member
Keep it rolling man, more then 90% of the world doesn't know what a pot plant looks like.

Especially if there over 30.

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
about 8 years ago surveyors found mine in my favorite spot too. So not only did I lose my plants but I lost any hope for the future ones in that area. I always try to do a few areas with a few in them a piece because every season I have ever chose to grow in my life, something always happens to one or more patches. Its pretty much a given. This year I lost 2 out of my 3 small patches to massive abnormal flooding. I encountered surveyors out near one of them and had the same scare early in the season. I don't know if they saw them and they were too small for them to pick but I was worried about getting narked on.

I bet alot of surveyors smoke weed. I would if I had a job where I got to hike all over the place far away from the office. Heck, its probably somewhat common for them to stumble upon some. They don't even have to spot it because of the smell. Get a whiff of it and then start looking all over the place to find it.

I try to find places where I just can't picture a human walking around in during the warm months but surveyors can go anywhere and everywhere.


Well-Known Member
You could cut the plants and keep them in a bucket of water at your place. Or just the buds. I cut some buds once for a different experiment and had them in glasses of water for several days and they seemed to do fine...
You could do it to a few buds so that if they did come back and take your plants then youll still have some bud left at your place.


Well-Known Member
what if they come back for some more surveying?
Thats what i was thinking...or just come back for THEM?!? But i was hoping it was a one day thing...Just get it and get out...

They'll be there....:clap:
I sure hope ur right hodgegrown...This is what sux about outdoor growing...U need to be successful or else you have to wait until NEXT season!!

if they would have seen them they would have stopped and walked up man ur prolly just paranoid.
I was thinking about that as well...If they were smart then they wouldve just walked by casually n just targeted them for later or something...I prolly am paranoid but damnit i have every right to be! lol

Keep it rolling man, more then 90% of the world doesn't know what a pot plant looks like.

Especially if there over 30.
Very true..Theres just that small percent im worrying about.. Its kinda hidden in some brush as well so only the 'head' is pokin out some..

about 8 years ago surveyors found mine in my favorite spot too. So not only did I lose my plants but I lost any hope for the future ones in that area. I always try to do a few areas with a few in them a piece because every season I have ever chose to grow in my life, something always happens to one or more patches. Its pretty much a given. This year I lost 2 out of my 3 small patches to massive abnormal flooding. I encountered surveyors out near one of them and had the same scare early in the season. I don't know if they saw them and they were too small for them to pick but I was worried about getting narked on.

I bet alot of surveyors smoke weed. I would if I had a job where I got to hike all over the place far away from the office. Heck, its probably somewhat common for them to stumble upon some. They don't even have to spot it because of the smell. Get a whiff of it and then start looking all over the place to find it.

I try to find places where I just can't picture a human walking around in during the warm months but surveyors can go anywhere and everywhere.
Thats how i try n map ou my grows as well...seems like i need to do a better job..Next season i think i have it all planned out...They're goin in the thorns! I shouldve planted more patches and more plants so im not so damn worried about the one...

You could cut the plants and keep them in a bucket of water at your place. Or just the buds. I cut some buds once for a different experiment and had them in glasses of water for several days and they seemed to do fine...
You could do it to a few buds so that if they did come back and take your plants then youll still have some bud left at your place.
Thats pretty interesting...You mean water cuing? Or you put he stems in the water that you would a clone?

They may not saw her but I bet they smelled her. Go save her from kidnapping,rape & pillaging go go now my son
She sure is stinky n i can smell her from 50 ft away...But its not like a weed smell...its more fruity n delicious n i think it would be unnoticable to those who reallly dont know the smell..

Got a good laugh off that one. Got a Gilly suit?:idea:

Soooooo Great.:clap::clap: Smoke grenades would work well. See someone by your plants, throw the smoke grenade and run up with your machete and hack it down with one swing and your outta there.

7 days in the bush for 7 months of work. I would do it any day of the week.
As long as I got food to eat and bud to smoke to pass the time I would do the same. Just if its cops coming you won't be moving an inch :shock:
HAHA...i actually play woodsball paintball n got a ghillie suit a couple months ago...N right now the surroundings match the thing to perfection!

But hell yea good way to put it...just 7 days for 7 long ass months to make sure they are safe..Damn right thats what im gonna do! lol thanks for the motivation n yea if the boys in blue showed up Id prolly shit my pants...

Time to pack my lunchbox and bowl!

First pic--just minus the knee pads, get a face mask instaed of the helmet n load up the paintball gun!!

Second pic--This is my ghille, it looks ratty in the pic but since then ive spruced it up a little bit.. HAH

geared up 008.jpg

ghillie suit 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
Very Nice. Haven't played woodsball for a while. I used to love hiding in the bush and sneaking up behind my friends and just unloading on them. Always brought a smile to my face.

Well good luck. Looks like ya be hiding out well. Now you just gotta have someone take a pic of you in the bush for a "Where's Smokablunt16" contest.


Well-Known Member
Very Nice. Haven't played woodsball for a while. I used to love hiding in the bush and sneaking up behind my friends and just unloading on them. Always brought a smile to my face.

Well good luck. Looks like ya be hiding out well. Now you just gotta have someone take a pic of you in the bush for a "Where's Smokablunt16" contest.
HAHA That would be pretty funny...well its been about 2days and they are still there so i guess we'll just have to see...I got off work late 2day so i didnt get a chance to 'watch' them but i kno they are still there...

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
ANybody????...Is it okay to flush for only 7-9 days?!

Should i use water n molasses for the first half of the days then use plain water??

+rep for all of you...
A big number of surveyor's smoke weed, and even if they do not smoke bud, if they had seen them they would have checked them out. So just chill out, everything is cool. You are stressing over nothing. Does not take Sherlock Holmes to figure it out that they did not see them at all.


Well-Known Member
Yea ur right...I posted right away in a franic lol...Ive chilled out a lot n just see what happens..so far so good..