Emergency plant problem

I've been growing for 2 years now and know pretty much what to look for when it comes to diagnosing a plants problem but there is still much to learn. My problem I'm having is I have 11 plants that are on their 25th day of veg so they are still young and are not showing much of any growth. I nute burned them pretty badly which is my first time doing so since I started using general organics about a year and a half ago. I use to use general hydroponics flora series but switched from chemical to organics for obvious reasons. After figuring out that I burned the crap out of them I flushed them just last night in their red solo cup homemade planting pot. Good news is they are not getting any worse from burned leaves but now they are showing signs of nutrient deficiency which from what I can tell is nitrogen and magnesium but here comes the issue. How am I suppose to feed them when they are still root soaked from last nights flush???? I'm afraid if I wait too long to feed they will just be so far gone that they won't make it out of ICU and instead go straight to the morgue. I'm guessing they will be dried out by sunday but should I wait that long??? What do I do?​


Active Member
Is a foliar feeding out of the question? It'll get the nutes to the place that most needs them (the leaves) in as light a concentration as you like. AMPED U probably know; but I'll state the obvious and say: don't foliar spray nutrients with lights on! Good luck!
Foliar feeding is not out of the question at all, actually was already thinking about that myself except I've never actually done it before. I'm a soil grower and have never actually needed to foliar feed so I would be a little nervous to do so but if thats the only way to get them to live through what it is they are currently going through than so be it. how light of a concentration should I do for them? can I do it with lights on if I am using flourescents and they are far enough away from the light or maybe in the corner of my room or something. I am not home when lights are off, they come on at 7pm and I get home around 5:30pm which probably doenst leave enough time to soak up before the lights come on. Opinions???


New Member
UHm.... go back to GH (that's what I run and it's a SOLID product). Start watering with PH corrected water to get em out of shock, then slowly, slowly get back into the nutes. Nute burn bad. :)


Well-Known Member
I've been growing for 2 years now and know pretty much what to look for when it comes to diagnosing a plants problem but there is still much to learn. My problem I'm having is I have 11 plants that are on their 25th day of veg so they are still young and are not showing much of any growth. I nute burned them pretty badly which is my first time doing so since I started using general organics about a year and a half ago. I use to use general hydroponics flora series but switched from chemical to organics for obvious reasons. After figuring out that I burned the crap out of them I flushed them just last night in their red solo cup homemade planting pot. Good news is they are not getting any worse from burned leaves but now they are showing signs of nutrient deficiency which from what I can tell is nitrogen and magnesium but here comes the issue. How am I suppose to feed them when they are still root soaked from last nights flush???? I'm afraid if I wait too long to feed they will just be so far gone that they won't make it out of ICU and instead go straight to the morgue. I'm guessing they will be dried out by sunday but should I wait that long??? What do I do?
I flushed them just last night in their red solo cup homemade planting pot>>>

>>>Despite your best efforts to kill these plants, I'm sure they'll be alive in the AM(just messin' w/you). For starters, the beer cups indicate plants are much too young for a GO therapy program. And those cups are terrible, they never drain properly b/c drainage holes are very difficult to make.

Try sliding a plant out of one of those cups, I'll bet your roots are circled...if so transplant.
I flushed them just last night in their red solo cup homemade planting pot>>>

>>>Despite your best efforts to kill these plants, I'm sure they'll be alive in the AM(just messin' w/you). For starters, the beer cups indicate plants are much too young for a GO therapy program. And those cups are terrible, they never drain properly b/c drainage holes are very difficult to make.

Try sliding a plant out of one of those cups, I'll bet your roots are circled...if so transplant.
I actually originally did transplant to bigger containers the day I fed them but the next day I carfully pulled them back out and put them back into the solo cups so they would dry out quicker than if I would have flushed the bigger containers. It was a decision I'm not proud of but felt it was necessary. So what should I do about the defeciancy problem?? Foliar feed or wait til they dry out and feed them a light feeding If they hopefully last til than.
UHm.... go back to GH (that's what I run and it's a SOLID product). Start watering with PH corrected water to get em out of shock, then slowly, slowly get back into the nutes. Nute burn bad. :)
No offense but I am definitly sticking with organics over chemical. I love the GO line, I think I just got a little too carried away when I was feeding. I'm always pushing the limits to see what I can do and what I can't to get the most out of my Ladies. I will probably keep an eye on them and hope they make it until sunday which is when I am thinking they will be dried out enough to slowly feed again like you said.


Active Member
2.5 hours should be enough time to do at least one maybe 2 foliar sprays w/o freaking about the lights burning the weakened delicate leaves; that is, if you're still worried before sunday comes around. Mix a gallon at 1/4 strength N and 1/2 strength Mg booster (also look into epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) spray, never done personally but it seems to work for some ppl.) Pour that into your 1qt spray bottle (I find this is easier than trying to mix 1 qt worth of spray, you may want the extra anyway since you have so many plants). Don't forget to spray the underside of leaves and cover all surfaces with a good mist and if leaves get weighed down too much add a drop of soap to next spritzing or simply pick them up off topsoil. It shouldn't take more than an hour for 1 spray Rx to evaporate in a well ventilated room. Good luck!