emergency new grower needs help badly, harvest at risk


i took a bunch of pictures, plant presents with multiple small brown burn spots, circular, appx 1 mm diameter with the ends also showing signs of burning. middle leaves are turning yellow and falling off, top leaves are in the initial stages only having the small burn spots for the moment.

I recently put her into flowering on a 400 watt hps for 13/11. use a 15-30-15 bloom mix every 3 days foilar, but not until it begins dark cycle. ph has recently been very acidic but ive flushed it two times with 3x volume water. now ph rests at appx 6. i am wondering if it might be a lack of some secondary nutes?

also bud production is vastly slowed and reduced, perhaps calcium deficiency, or manganese?

she has been in flower for a month and if she doesnt recover i dont think bud production will ever be reasonable.


i wouldn't be foliar feeding when its dark or about to be the plants need to dry off. i wouldn't even foliar feed unless theirs an actual need. your plants should be fine getting it from the growing medium. especially when flowering as it can cause the buds to mold

you didnt say how often you feed the plant?

what size are your pots and how tall are the plants?


Well-Known Member
i remember having a similar problem in my earlier years, i determined it was either over feeding and not letting the soil dry out, or nute lockout due to ph fluctuation
i remember having a similar problem in my earlier years, i determined it was either over feeding and not letting the soil dry out, or nute lockout due to ph fluctuation
Yeah looks severely overwatered, over fert. or both.

Pick most of the totally yellow/brown leaves off and let the plant dry out, then just use water for a couple weeks.


i wouldn't be foliar feeding when its dark or about to be the plants need to dry off. i wouldn't even foliar feed unless theirs an actual need. your plants should be fine getting it from the growing medium. especially when flowering as it can cause the buds to mold

you didnt say how often you feed the plant?

what size are your pots and how tall are the plants?
ya i have no idea, but why wouldnt u foliar feed when its dark wouldnt 12 hours be long enough for it to dry out, and i cant foliar feed when the HPS is on or it will burn that shit right into the leaves. i use foliar feeding because my growth median isnt that great so ive been supplementing it with foliar.

i feed it about every 2-3 days although i give it a cup of water i left out overnight in the morning every day so the hps doesnt dry it out, pot is a 5 gallon i believe, and the plant is about 4 feet tall now.


Well-Known Member
ya i have no idea, but why wouldnt u foliar feed when its dark wouldnt 12 hours be long enough for it to dry out, and i cant foliar feed when the HPS is on or it will burn that shit right into the leaves. i use foliar feeding because my growth median isnt that great so ive been supplementing it with foliar.

i feed it about every 2-3 days although i give it a cup of water i left out overnight in the morning every day so the hps doesnt dry it out, pot is a 5 gallon i believe, and the plant is about 4 feet tall now.

you want to foliage feed when the light is on so that the Hps dries it out, otherwise if you foliage feed at night it will cause mold and other unwanted symptoms.

just make sure you're light is around 18 inches away from the plant.

and make sure you are checking your PH even in that little cup of water in the morning.


Well-Known Member
dont foliar feed or mist during flowering(or ever really, its only for emergencies.,) its a very foolish thing to do, and are you remembering to mist them with plain clean water after foliar feeding?(dont mean this in an offensive way). i bet its the problem. do not raise your humidity, you want low humidity for flower.


dont foliar feed or mist during flowering(or ever really, its only for emergencies.,) its a very foolish thing to do, and are you remembering to mist them with plain clean water after foliar feeding?(dont mean this in an offensive way). i bet its the problem. do not raise your humidity, you want low humidity for flower.

nope didnt know any of that, just read somewhere that roots lose ability to take up nutrients as it grows and since its fukin huge i figured i had to get it nutrients somehow.... so ur saying still introduce any nutes via regular watering? also why do u want low humidity for flowering?


you want to foliage feed when the light is on so that the Hps dries it out, otherwise if you foliage feed at night it will cause mold and other unwanted symptoms.

just make sure you're light is around 18 inches away from the plant.

and make sure you are checking your PH even in that little cup of water in the morning.

what about nute burn? i thought if u foliar feed on leaves when the lights are on the lights burn the nutrients into the plants....


Well-Known Member
Over fert for sure....also don't foliar feed at all...

Hold off on the fert for a week or two.... let the plants suck up the last of the water in the soil...then do a flush.... water regularly for about two weeks...if they are recoverable, that will work and you should see the pigment in the leaves improve...


Well-Known Member
low humidity is needed to prevent bud rot,mold,fungus,milder,etc. any of those and its pretty much game over for your bud. the roots do not lose the ability to uptake nutrients at all just because its large and flowering, if anything it increases(till a certain stage of flowering, after which point the roots dont really grow that much anymore, but its still not losing any of its ability to uptake nutes. wherever you heard that from is wrong. feed the plants flowering nutes by giving it nutes in the water, same as with veg you need to be careful and start w/a low strength solution of what the package says(i start at 1/4 or 1/8, and slowly work your way up. dont feed every watering, but you can help your plants out by putting 1 tablespoon approx of unsulphured blackstrap mollasses into 1 gallon of ther drinking water and giving that every non-feeding watering. the mollasses posseses food for microbes that through their digestive process break down alot of stuff in the soil the plaant would have problems absorbing or just plain cant into simple sugars and nutes that are much more easily absorbed by the plant. plus its got helpful micronutes the plant needs.


Well-Known Member
what about nute burn? i thought if u foliar feed on leaves when the lights are on the lights burn the nutrients into the plants....

well i never foliage feed in flowering. and once in a while i do with vegging, but i spray the underside of the leaves.

i dont do it in flowering because you're buds are trying to push out and they are moist, so if its wet when they push out it will cause mold.

i would just pick off the leaves that are fucked up, flush for a week, then introduce the nutes again at 1/2 or 1/4 strength


low humidity is needed to prevent bud rot,mold,fungus,milder,etc. any of those and its pretty much game over for your bud. the roots do not lose the ability to uptake nutrients at all just because its large and flowering, if anything it increases(till a certain stage of flowering, after which point the roots dont really grow that much anymore, but its still not losing any of its ability to uptake nutes. wherever you heard that from is wrong. feed the plants flowering nutes by giving it nutes in the water, same as with veg you need to be careful and start w/a low strength solution of what the package says(i start at 1/4 or 1/8, and slowly work your way up. dont feed every watering, but you can help your plants out by putting 1 tablespoon approx of unsulphured blackstrap mollasses into 1 gallon of ther drinking water and giving that every non-feeding watering. the mollasses posseses food for microbes that through their digestive process break down alot of stuff in the soil the plaant would have problems absorbing or just plain cant into simple sugars and nutes that are much more easily absorbed by the plant. plus its got helpful micronutes the plant needs.

mollasses? can i use aunt jamima, should i let fallen leaves stay on the soil?
I never foliar feed for two reasons
1- not to be rude but look at your plants
2- no interferance at all in dark hours NONE and your not supposed to spray water really around ELECTRICITY that includes your lights ,outlets, and fans


Well-Known Member
remove fallen leaves right away, mold and fungus and mildews suck. if it says "unsulphured blackstrap mollasses" on the bottle its what you need. ptherwise no.
I sprayed my plants with plain water twice a day every day and my growth was fine. But I am in Colorado and the air is wicked dry, my grow room was at like 15% humidity most of the time. So I had to spray a lot in vegitative growth. But now that I have flowered and the buds are there the room has been running like 40% so I don't bother spraying. I wouldn't give it water every day either, not eaven a cup. In the wild those plants dry out. Sogginess brings disease. Spraying and overwatering and over nutrition are not good for your plants. I would follow all these guys advice about flushing, but make sure you don't overwater and your room isn't too humid when you save the plant or you'll never bring it back healthy. Good luck man!