Emergency help PLZ!!!


Well-Known Member
Live. I don't know if it's just me but I don't get it (the fire and the bed and stuff). I think it's reputation.. Since that guy did something really er.. Reputable he gets rep points..
And yer that was fun.


Well-Known Member
oh yea and all of you giving me advice should be ashamed of yourselves for promoting plant abuse what if there was some sick fucker out there really doing that hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Live. I don't know if it's just me but I don't get it (the fire and the bed and stuff). I think it's reputation.. Since that guy did something really er.. Reputable he gets rep points..
And yer that was fun.
hey mr.hanky. ya, thats what happens when im tired- i dont make much sense sometimes. ill edit it to be more clear of what i meant to portray. i was just trying to be dramatic because i felt like i was hijacking the thread, talking to ms.milf and all. like hijacking(a plane) is a crime and all, so i was just being silly. cheers. God bless everyone


Well-Known Member
yo billybob, you need a girlfriend and stop fucking with your plants..are you serious..brown spots are the least of your problems..later


New Member
My adivce- quit jerking off into your plants!... wtf. Plants have grown fine for the last coupla thousand years without the addition of your sperm, just stop doing it.