Emergency Help - Drooping Seedlings


Active Member
1st time grower and very happy to have found this forum. Some of my seedlings started drooping, and after looking for help here, I decided that it was probably too much water. So I withheld water today, and it looks worse.

Here are the details and pics:

Soil: OSH Nutrapeat with Coir (Loose moss with cocunt fiber)

Date planted: Six on May 3, two on May 7

Warming mat - 17 watts

Water - 1 capful of Hydrogen peroxide, , 1/4 teaspoon Miracle Gro in liter of water, 2-3 sprays per plant 3 times a day. Today, I withheld water completely, and the droping looks worse (pics are from today).

Natural Sunglight - about 2-3 hours a day in Northern CA sun, slight but significant breeze.

Temperature ranges from about 60F at night to about 75 in the day, but there's a warming mat below.

There is no other light source yet. I'm waiting to order a MH and HPS system later this week for the vegging and flowering cycles respectively.

Is it not enough light? And/or too much water. 2-3 sprays 3 times a day doesn't seem that much. The soil looks dry but you can see water droplets on the inside of the cups.

I'm grateful for everyone's help, but I have to admit, I really have a lot of personal commitment to these guys.



Active Member
Im having a similur problem. Basically bring the light as close as possible so the stem doesnt need to strech for more light. And a toothpick with a string or something to hold it up as much as possiable. And also a fan wit a steady breeze so the stems get stronger, i didnt read all of what u put so if u have the fan lockdown already thats whats up. Anyhow its simple enough hopefully it helps, you and me lol Goodluck homie


Well-Known Member
they are strecthed and top heaving due to them not recieving proper light you should only have to water those every couple of days the soil needs to dry out.and why are u using a heating mat? stop spraying them what are u trying to accomplish with that? and they dont need any nutes right now to young.


Sounds like they may be not getting enuf light,,,hense the stretching,,,erm heat mat????Dont let those roots get too warm,,I wouldnt bother with one!
Also gently repot them abit lower in the soil,,so that less stem is showing,,I often do this,,makes them nice and sturdy again,,just be very carefull to not disturb roots,,or if you have rooom at the top of your seedling pots ,,top it up with soil!!!!


Active Member
Should I get a light for the seedlings than? What kind of light should be used for seedlings? And how many hours per day?



Well-Known Member
do a bit of research doesnt sound like u have done much at all. this forum has tons of answers just look for em. seedlings for the first 2 weeks you can run the lights 24 hours a day or 23/1 but i usually use the 24. then drop the light to 18 on/6 off for the veg stage then when your ready for flowering you swicth to 12/12. get rid of the heating pad. do those cups have drain wholes? roots dont like light see through cups not so good. either transplant them or wrap the cups with paper.


Well-Known Member
yeap.. those babies need more LIGHT! the weight of the leaves is too great for the integrity of the stem, because the stems are too long, because they are reaching for light, because the light intensity is too low.. Increase light intensity by upping the wattage provided.. for now, you can use those twisty things to give it some support BUT these look too far gone at this point, once they start drooping, the failure rate of the seedlings sky-rockets... good luck!


Active Member
yeap.. those babies need more LIGHT! the weight of the leaves is too great for the integrity of the stem, because the stems are too long, because they are reaching for light, because the light intensity is too low.. Increase light intensity by upping the wattage provided.. for now, you can use those twisty things to give it some support BUT these look too far gone at this point, once they start drooping, the failure rate of the seedlings sky-rockets... good luck!
I took them outside to get some sun at around 2pm, by 3 pm the drooping got worse. The youngest two are gone :cry:

I stick tied the other 6, and sprayed a little water in the soil. I'm going to take pics of them to my local hydroponic store. But it doesn't look good. This is a very very hard thing to do. Thanks everyone again for their help and concern.


Well-Known Member
too much stretching. you could bury them deeper and get better light. dont give up though, just correct the problem and it should be fine. Good Luck!


Active Member
too much stretching. you could bury them deeper and get better light. dont give up though, just correct the problem and it should be fine. Good Luck!
Thanks Cane. They definitely needed more light, but I against what the others in posted, I also think they didn't have enough water starting yesterday when I decided to withhold water. Yesterday one of the seedling's leaves started bending backwards.

I'm going to get a growlight now for the seedling. Thanks again. I won't give up.


Active Member
They didn't make it. The sun scorched them, and in addition to drooping, they also started wilting. I will try again. I have a seedling grow light and also bought a cultivating book which I will read.

Thanks everyone for their help and concern.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear. real bummer. just remember, most of us have a rough start when trying something new. I killed tons of plants before my current grow. Good luck and try again soon!!!