Emergency Harvest


Well-Known Member
I accidently split the main cola at the joint on my plant, and now the leaves are starting to rot and fall off, so i'm having to harvest.. problem is it's been sitting like that for almost a week now.. about 4 or 5 days.. so i'm going to go ahead and harvest.. since this is my first time, and wasnt actually prepared to make it asfar as I have, I don;t have the right tools and set-up to really do the greatest job drying and curing.. so I've decided to hang it in teh living room of a small camper with an aircondioner blowing in teh room... unlesss anyone else has any suggestions.. my plant isn't very big.. a couple feet tall maybe.. i'll get maybe a 1/2 to a whole out of her.. and i'm going to cure teh buds also in the same room, in just regular jars with lids on them.. it's either that or vacuum seal the buds... again.. this is my first time and wasnt actually expecting to make it asfar as I have, or come to love the experiance asmuch as I have.. next year i'll be more prepared... as of this year i'm doing the best I can with what I have... any suggestions would be appreciated... I'm kinda putting it off because I just hate to kill it.. i'll post pictures in a minute to show you what i'm talking about asfar as teh damage to the plant on the leaves.


Well-Known Member
you sur eit was dying mate alot of green on there?

wd anyway on getting that far enjoy ;)

you shoulda seen the yellow i pulled off and the brown that fell off.. the leaves are wilting and drying up.. I cant think of anything else it could be.. I'm open to suggestions.. but im broke and am not sure I know what i'm doing..lol.


Well-Known Member
we need way more info then that. are you feeding? how often? during flowering the plant is using up everything its got to produce buds. it is normal for leaves to start browning and dieing i wouldn't rush to cut her down so quick. give her some proper flowering nutes and let her ride for a bit. you dont want to be to hasty and scrap for no reason.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, towards the end of flowering, leaves naturally turn yellow/brown and die, so unless there's something I'm not seeing here...you don't really have much problem. Although I could've totally overlooked something, in which case I apologize.


Well-Known Member
ok.. well, the only thing I gave it was some kinda nutes a friend gave me.. it had more nitrogen than anything else, but I figured anything was better than nothing... so if I run out and buy some nutes, thinsg should start to look up?


Well-Known Member
show your baby some love she'll be fine get a fert high in Potassium and Phosporus - P and K-. got some good shit going there get it some time.


Well-Known Member
i like your plant for some reason:weed:

i had to do an emergency harvest on my first grow which was 3 weeks ago and the buds tasted nasty but got me pretty high... and for someone who barely smokes my stuff got the stoned!


Well-Known Member
i like your plant for some reason:weed:

i had to do an emergency harvest on my first grow which was 3 weeks ago and the buds tasted nasty but got me pretty high... and for someone who barely smokes my stuff got the stoned!

Thank you.. I ended up having to do her in.. I got to looking and the spot where I split it wasn't looking so good.. wasnt looking awful, but it would have.. so I went ahead and took her down and planted some new.. hope it's some kinda nug.. I don;t think I cut her life short, another week she woulda been done anyway.. I just couldnt afford to lose the whole crop.. if I woulda done that it may've turned me off from growing all together and I really love this shit


Well-Known Member
I had to delete them because something strange happened on the internet when i was visiting the site.. kinda has me spooked..