Emergency guerrilla harvest *HELP*


hey all , im a UK grower and my early skunk is just about done. I have a week off work starting friday. The weather is about to turn nasty so i am going to harvest friday (even though its a tad early)

My main problem is drying. I dont have a clue what to do! unfortunately i cant dry it in my house or the garden shed the proper way for stealth reasons. So , as much as i pains me , im going to have to do a quick dry method. My best choice would be some sort of portable appliance eg. microwave which i could run in the garden. But is ther other ways? What about using a camping stove and drying it on a low heat on a pan?

Please help me in my weakest hour :(


ps. I know fast drying will make my bud inferior :((((((( ITS THE ONLY WAY THOUGH!


New Member
hey all , im a uk grower and my early skunk is just about done. I have a week off work starting friday. The weather is about to turn nasty so i am going to harvest friday (even though its a tad early)

my main problem is drying. I dont have a clue what to do! Unfortunately i cant dry it in my house or the garden shed the proper way for stealth reasons. So , as much as i pains me , im going to have to do a quick dry method. My best choice would be some sort of portable appliance eg. Microwave which i could run in the garden. But is ther other ways? What about using a camping stove and drying it on a low heat on a pan?

Please help me in my weakest hour :(


Ps. I know fast drying will make my bud inferior :((((((( its the only way though!
water curing will be perfect for this! No smell due to it being submergged!


New Member
Water Curing is done by cutting down your buds and removing the fan leaves. It's optional to do further trimming, but note that cured trimmings always make better hash. Place them in a bin of Reverse Osmosis water and keep above 65F and below 75F. Use something to gently weigh them down. Once a day for 3-7 days (depending on personal preference) change out the water with clean fresh RO water. Because there is a high concentration of chlorophyll and salts in the buds and none in the water, Osmosis will naturally occur, drawing it out of the plant until the levels are equal. The water is changed out to keep the osmotic pressure at its highest: day old water will not have the same osmotic force to suck out everything. After the 3-7 days, hang and dry the buds like you normally would. Done!
-Less bag appeal
-The smoothest bud you'll ever smoke
-Bud is more potent, but only because the total weight is reduced. IE- where you may get 1.5g air curing, you'll only get 1g with water cure: a much purer product
-Using them method allows you to pump in nutrients all the way to the end, with NO 1-2 weeks of flushing. That could increase yields significantly.

Remember that nothing we want to smoke is water soluble. That means it will not leach out into the water. The only thing that can happen is trichomes can break off if you treat the buds roughly: be gentle.

Original post here:

Edit: you'll want to give it the full 7 day treatment. No more or less will be needed, but undesirable results may occur if left for less than 7 days.


New Member
hey all , im a UK grower and my early skunk is just about done. I have a week off work starting friday. The weather is about to turn nasty so i am going to harvest friday (even though its a tad early)

My main problem is drying. I dont have a clue what to do! unfortunately i cant dry it in my house or the garden shed the proper way for stealth reasons. So , as much as i pains me , im going to have to do a quick dry method. My best choice would be some sort of portable appliance eg. microwave which i could run in the garden. But is ther other ways? What about using a camping stove and drying it on a low heat on a pan?

Please help me in my weakest hour :(


ps. I know fast drying will make my bud inferior :((((((( ITS THE ONLY WAY THOUGH!
Oh and it wont make your bud inferior, It will actually have a higher THC% due to it losing more of the useless weight.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
A water cure sounds like a great idea for your situation.It will have less bag appeal.
It is basicly another way to degrade chloryphil so when smoked the less superheated plant matter competes with your lungs.


Well-Known Member
with the weather going cold now mate, just cut trim and place in placy bag, and leave out in the cold. open at least once a day for ten or fifteen minutes and move the bud about to get air in, it will dry nicely in a week or two. ps i store my shit in the fridge and it stays nice for weeks.


Hi there guys thanks for the replys , i understand with the water curing , you still have to dry it after , but remeber i have no where to dry it?



New Member
Hi there guys thanks for the replys , i understand with the water curing , you still have to dry it after , but remeber i have no where to dry it?

You can dry it with a dehydrator. It wont really smell after the 7 days. If you don't dry it at all before storing, it will grow mold, and you will have wasted every second of growing them.


Well-Known Member
How about a friend or relatives house...gone this far..no sense in trying to dry outdoors in the cold n wet season ad have it mold up


Active Member
Why dont you get a few lawn trimming bags(the big paper ones) and trim your plants and stick them in the bags for a few days. Poke holes in the bags to keep enough fresh air in so mold wont start. stuff the bag with newspaper and cardboard to absorb any moisture. Let the buds breathe out of the bag at least once a day.


New Member
If you dont dry and cure, you're fucked. Only veterens can smoke wet ass buds and not give a fuck. There won't be good effects and the second time you try smoking it, it will taste even worse and give even less effects. It's the simple rule of diminishing returns.