Emergency Evacuation... Fuck!!


Well-Known Member
Wednesday was a very stressful day lol... My 6.5 week old plants were doing great, but were looking way too obvious, and my parents confronted me... angrily, haha. i knew that they would try to kill my babies, so i ran home with a couple buddies and loaded them up into the car and got the hell out of there before they got home.

i moved my plants to a friend's house where they are sadly awaiting a new lamp. i can't take my old one, because my parents will notice and then know that i was lying when i told them that i "destroyed them."

i'm thinking about just buying the same 4200 lumen 6500K flouro lamp setup that i have at home for my buddy's house. it cost about 30 bucks. but my dilemma is this:
-I'm tight on cash
-I have a brand new 400 watt HPS system i bought offline that will ship to me in about 7 - 11 days.

i was planning on flowering at his house anyway... but it sucks, because i just don't feel like spending 30 bucks on a lamp that i'll only be using for like a week. however, if its completely necessary, i will do it. i just want to know if there are any cheaper alternatives.

oh yeah, i'm kinda annoyed, because my friend lives with four roommates at his house, and they are all potheads. they're all cool, but the thing is, they're all a bit too enthusiastic about this. my friend assures me that everything will be ok, that he's putting a padlock on his door, and all that shit... but i feel like i'm sending my daughters off to a horny boys only college or something, lol. i'm nervous that they'll try to get at that shit.

not a single person there knows a thing about gardening in general, let alone growing pot indoors. basically i want to teach my friend the basics, but i want to be doing most of the work. i hate it when he tries to tell me something that i've been doing extensive research about for months.

i'm paying for all of it, seeing as how i've already bought it all, and they are my plants. but i'm not unreasonable, i understand that they are harboring my babies, and that they're undertaking most or all of the risk. so i definitely am going to talk to them about perhaps a percentage of the yield going to them. either way, i know that i'll smoke them up big time with this.

i don't know what i'm going to do, lol. kinda annoying situation. my friend already watered them with tap water without knowing the ph, and out of schedule. i don't want people to take it upon themselves to do this stuff. i'll just go there every other day or something and check up on them. that's the plan anyway.

phew, lotta venting lol. anyway, what should i do about the lights? and any other advice?
thanks guys.



Well-Known Member
shit :(:(:( thats not good m8 :(:(:(
i cant imagin how sad u was to let them go :(:( and to a ome like tht. but if you no tht there cool i suppose it would be ok. y cant u take your lights over ...... tell ure mum ure selling them to a friend of a friend of a friend lol. plus just MAKE SURE THE ROOM IS LOCKED lol
keep us posted m8

p.s you could always send me a cutting and ill grow 1 for u :):):) lol

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
what should i do about the lights? and any other advice?
You can probably maintain the plants with some cheap CFs until your HPS unit arrives... but I don't have to tell you that your grow op location is a whole lot less than suboptimal.

Having even ONE grow partner is a bad thing. A houseful of them, in a place that you don't physically control, is nothing but a whole lot worse. I've never seen any sort of grow partnership that didn't come to tears in the end. My first op was a partnership. I wound up giving back borrowed equipment and severing all contact with this joker, mainly for reasons you describe, such as their insistence on using bad information- when you well and truly know better, with solid evidence to back it up.

Hate to say it, but there's a time and a place for everything- and you don't seem to have either going your way at the moment.

Might be a lot smarter to just wait until you have your very own place before you try to run an op.


Well-Known Member
Hate to say it, but there's a time and a place for everything- and you don't seem to have either going your way at the moment.

Might be a lot smarter to just wait until you have your very own place before you try to run an op.
haha i know right? yeah i can't wait til i have my own place. the kid's all excited at his house cause of the plants and has been texting me about them and shit lol. damn i'm way too baked to handle this site right now - i just gotta play more pong downstairs haha...

they are all way too enthusiastic i hope they don't fucking ruin this lol

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
they are all way too enthusiastic i hope they don't fucking ruin this lol
You won't have anything like security or secrecy from day 1.

If you pull this off without a major squabble that leads to the wrong people learning about the op- you will be one of the luckiest people on earth and should be buying lottery tickets every hour on the hour...


Well-Known Member
since last night i've observed a few things that make me a bit more hopeful now that i consider the situation.

granted, it sucks that i have to partner up on this one. but at least i think that only one person really believes himself to be involved with the grow enough to need a cut, and that's my buddy. everyone else just like acts really enthused about the whole thing. so it's not a direct threat to the harvest, but it definitely could be a threat to security. damn.

i have yet to really sit down with the 'head of the house' there and figure stuff out. the guy is like 24 and he's cool about this situation. he's not all jumping around excited about the grow, he's just like, "yeah man, that's cool." lol. he's a little bit bummed that the electricity bill is gonna go up from the HPS system, but i told the guy that we could work something out and i could possibly pay the cost of the lamp per month. just takes a little math and discussion.

i hope everything works out, i'll keep you guys posted.


Well-Known Member
and any other advice?
Tell him/instruct him/show him/explain to him/describe to him how to water them correctly using the 'wet dry' method. That's pretty much all your buddy needs to know at this stage, but even still, it's very easy to get it wrong if you don't know what you're doing.


Well-Known Member
Man if i were you i would just scrap the whole project for now. Too many people know about. That many people knowing about it are gonna talk. Plus the head of the house is 24. How old is everyone else? People talk too much and if the others are that entusuatic its just not a good idea. I say fuck the whole thing. Maybe put them outside somewhere and leave the indoor gardening until you have a spot of your own with no roomates.:joint: