Well-Known Member
Yeah no worries man. Theyre all regs. Yeah true that man haha.
Awh really? Everyone i know thats went said its awesome. My bro has been so many times he said its brilliant especially the coke and stuff haha
Yeah it’s a nice place to go for a few days and good atmosphere but it was different than what I imagined. Red light district is full of shady weirdos haha walking out with hoods up and all. There’s loads of coffee shops but you need to know the legit ones. I never tried the coke over there and don’t think I would. Your buying it off the street from those guys standing on the corners with the long jackets haha. You can get legal highs but it’s the same shit they sold in the headshops here years ago.
I usually stick to greenhouse coffee shop for the super silver haze and Amnesia coffee shop for the Laughing Buddha. Weed is expensive enough over there too, it’s about €18 per gram for the good stuff