Emerald Triangle Seed Co.; Opinions?

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
As much as I don't appreciate your condescending tone...I sure do! I'm sorry but the whole purpose of giving out free seeds is to promote the breeder...and this one was promoted poorly!!
That does suck big time. A lot of people mistake a female preflower for a male, that's why I asked to see pics. You're awfully sensitive aren't you?

East Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I have only gotten the Emerald Jack and so far it is great. I started 5 seeds regular 4 cracked the ground way faster then the other 4 strains by far the most vigorous. I got 2 male. It has been very wet this year here in Puna and the EJ has no PM at all, they look super healthy. They have been budding for a week now. My only complaint is I was hoping for more sativa dom and as you can tell from the pictures they don't look sativa at all. Aloha 3-25-12 002.jpg3-25-12 007.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear the bad news :(
From what I understand Emerald Triangle outsourced the breeding of their feminized strains to private breeders.
Those breeders standards are not as high as Emerald Triangle's are, who actually breed the regular seeds for their strains.
I would buy their regular seeds, but not their fems.
It's my understanding almost all breeders outsource their seed feminization. I remember reading it on a breeder page not to long ago. I think it was either Serious Seeds or Sagarmatha Seeds giving a disclaimer that they did it and hey said almost all the major breeders do also but don't tell their customers.

I guess it is always a possibility with fem seeds and a hermie is bound to happen sooner or later. Over the past few years I've grown somewhere around 40 plants from fem seed and have been lucky enough not to have seen a single male flower so far. It's good to know though since I under 10 plants a season and a single hermie would really screw my season.


Well-Known Member
am i tweekin or do i see nanners on the finished product? what are these lil neon green looking spots?

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Sorry man, my vision is perfect, my pics are huge, I know whether or not my shit has nanners. You're not going to pop in and enlighten me like I'm a noob.


Well-Known Member
ok fingers then maybe you can explain to me on that pic of the lemon diesel.. the middle nugget..about an inch or so to the right wtf is that lil neon yellowish green looking thing that looks like a nanner to me?


Well-Known Member

i see these on your shit... keep playing me like i dont know what im talking about... you cut them before they got bigger opened up and droped there pollin. just cuzz u dont got any seeds dont mean ur shit aint herm. look real close at that lemon diesel


Well-Known Member
no bro im seeing the beginning of a nanner. again that lemon diesel pic. the middle bud.. you see how its like kinda a 3 segment bud? like its a nugg.. then a lil bit of stem. then a nug.. then a lil bit of stem. then finally the top nugg? look very closely at the middle segment of that middle bud.. ok.. or better yet.. look at the top of that middle bud and look back untill you can see the stem it is connected to.. look directly up from there.. that lil neon yellowish thing..