Emerald Triangle Freebies?


Well-Known Member
That Emerald Jack is a one 2 hit smoke. Great high, real fast. Not to mention taste is awesome~
I love Jack Herer strains. I think this little girl may stay in my garden as well. Here's some pics of some of the smaller bottom buds I quickly trimmed to put in its jar today.005.JPG001.JPG002.JPG


Well-Known Member
So I'm working on the last of my freebies, Grapefruit Krush. I've slightly stepped up my operation since the Emerald Jack. I started this bean in some Fox Farm's light warrior. After a couple weeks I added some Advanced Nutrients, Voodoo Juice and Superthrive. A month in I transplanted into a 3 gallon grow bag and Ocean Forrest. She got another dose of Voodoo Juice and half doses of Grow Big and Big Bloom. I vegged her for 7 weeks in a 4'x4'x7' tent using a 600w mh. Started feeding her full doses after a couple feedings and am feeding kind of heavily. When I flipped her I moved her to a 7 gallon bag, changed to a 600 hps, replaced Grow Big with Tiger Bloom, added Bud Candy, Moplasses, and gave her 2 more doses of Voodoo Juice. I also have used Superthrive in every feeding. She's been on a her 12/12 cycle for 15 days and stands about 4 feet tall. I'm thinking this is going to finish nice and fat like the Emerald Jack. Don't know why she's so lopsided. I took these pics today. Please let me know what you think, I always appreciate second opinons, (helps to keep my head from getting too big).


Well-Known Member
So here's my grapefruit krush at week 6 of her 12/12 cycle. I've added fox farm's bush doctor line, (microbe brew, kangaroots, and sledgehammer). I've used the kangaroots and microbe brew a couple feedings and used the sledgehammer once. I'm still feeding pretty agressive and she seems to eat it up. I'm guessing another 2-3 weeks she'll be ready. I'll use the sledgehammer once more a the end of week 7. She did fatten up like my emrald jack did and I must admit I like emerald triangle's beans.
