Emerald Jack Feminized


Well-Known Member
I got a free Emerald Jack seed from attitude and it popped the other day so I figure I would post up a journal for it. Right now it is in a deep 4" pot with Organicare Pure indoor soil. Just light waterings when needed, no nutrients as of yet. Any questions please ask can't wait to see this grow through!

Here is the lovely seed:

The pot it is going in:
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And finally the seedling reaching up in the air for joy, just happy to be alive!

During the day they are outside under thet beautiful sun and at dusk I move them inside to a tent with a 250W MH/HPS depending on growth stage. I am finishing uip a few plants in the tent now so am still running HPS, but pretty soon will switch to MH for the little girl to veg to. All nutes and additives will be from Botanicare. They are local and have done me good in the past so why switch now?

Anyways, please subscribe and follow along. Should be a good summer!
Here is a quick picture of the little girl. I had a near catastrophic event take place yesterday...I knocked over the pot and the little emerald jack and dirt spilled out. I carefully picked up what I could and re-planted it hoping for the best. Today at noon I checked it out and it is perky and acting like nothing happened. I also gave the baby its first feeding today. I have a whole chart made up for the entire grow that I will be following. If anyone is interested, I am sure I could post it. It is using all Botanicare stuff. Anyways, on to the picture...

I will be running a vertical grow in a few months here.... I will most likely use #ViolatorKush in my first run, being that it is a shorter indica, but I am also gonna germinate the other UFO beans I recieved called #SuperSourOG, #Emerald Jack, and #Grapefruit Krush. If anyone of these is lookin better than the #Violator then they may get shotgun on the vert grow.
Sounds good. The vertical grow should be interesting. So far I have been impressed with the emerald Jack's vitality. Hopefully you have a successful run too!
i got this free seed too. wont be popping it till next year but i am sub'd so i can get a preview and maybe and idea of what i can expect.

good luck
Hey DS. Tought I'd stop by. At least this one is off to a beter start than the kayas! And if you don't mind, I actually am interested in your nute regimen. I am thinking about switching to botanicare when I run out of all my FF products, but have been hesitant because it seems they are more geared toward the hydro crowd. I know they have the coco/soil formulas though. Have you used they're products in soil before? No hurry to respond with the nute stuff, just whenever you get a chance. Good luck with the grow!