email468 new equipment grow (PPP)


Well-Known Member
Hey email i have decide to try to combine air with soil after viewing how quickly your babies grew.
You inspired me to try something new:mrgreen:
Hope your bud smokes as sticky as it looks:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks natmoon! - that's cool.

i been picking and smoking the last couple weeks and what a great soaring high!

aeroponics with a bright-ass HID really does seem to make them grow fast - flowering still takes the same amount of time (forever).


New Member
You are into some real advanced stuff here.
I'll look it up :)
Thanks natmoon! - that's cool.

i been picking and smoking the last couple weeks and what a great soaring high!

aeroponics with a bright-ass HID really does seem to make them grow fast - flowering still takes the same amount of time (forever).


Well-Known Member
Lacy - not advanced at all. i barely stumbled my way through this new set-up. i screwed up many, many times and had to harvest early. though i'm not crying about that since i prefer the heady high to the couch-lock anyway.
but thanks for the ego boost!

as far i as understand it, aeroponics means water is forced through a nebulizer which mists the roots directly. I use the rainforest 66 which did all the work for me (and i still managed to make a lot of mistakes). But the roots dangle into the reservoir which is oxygenated with an airstone. There is a little pump that sits in the middle and spins around shooting jets of water out at the root area - pretty neat!

I'll be posting some pics of them all chopped down.

You are into some real advanced stuff here.
I'll look it up :)


Well-Known Member
aye email did you do anything special with your electricity? pull a seperate service directly from the breaker to your grow cab?

or just stuck everything on a surge protector????


New Member
I prefer a head high also but once in a while the coach lock.

It does sound very interesting email and we all learn from experience for sure.
Thanks for the explanation.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Lacy - not advanced at all. i barely stumbled my way through this new set-up. i screwed up many, many times and had to harvest early. though i'm not crying about that since i prefer the heady high to the couch-lock anyway.
but thanks for the ego boost!

as far i as understand it, aeroponics means water is forced through a nebulizer which mists the roots directly. I use the rainforest 66 which did all the work for me (and i still managed to make a lot of mistakes). But the roots dangle into the reservoir which is oxygenated with an airstone. There is a little pump that sits in the middle and spins around shooting jets of water out at the root area - pretty neat!

I'll be posting some pics of them all chopped down.


Well-Known Member
Thanks natmoon! - that's cool.

i been picking and smoking the last couple weeks and what a great soaring high!

aeroponics with a bright-ass HID really does seem to make them grow fast - flowering still takes the same amount of time (forever).
Yeah its like being a kid at xmas:mrgreen:
Will show my ideas in my ppp grow journal as soon as they show sex:blsmoke:


Active Member
Learned loads, good grew.

I have a general idea of how hydro/aeroponics works, but let me get this straight.

I have a humidifier that produces a very fine mist (I know this was mentioned earlier). Would this idea work:

I take a tote, put a hole on top, drop in a netpot and hydroton, then a plant/seedling... so far so good, but now, can I simply have the humidifier hooked up so that it is outside the tote, but aiming the mist directly at the netpot (roots) inside the tote?

There would be no need for an airstone, since the humidifier is outside the tote, it is pulling in air and onto the roots.

I can drain the water out from the bottom of the tote and direct it back into the humidifier. In theory, I know that in practice it will be water rich with nutrients and I need to adjust pH and all.

This system probably wouldn't scale well, but I imagine it can sustain at least 4 plants. What happens when the humidier turns on is that the entire inside of the tote will be foggy with nute water and oxygen.

I'm broke, but I'm willing to experiment with this idea with some plants that respond well to hydro.. like Salvia or maybe just Epipremnum. I actually have an Epipremnum (common houseplant, you've definitely seen it around) rooting in a jar of water as we speak, which would be perfect for this experiment.


Well-Known Member
Learned loads, good grew.

I have a general idea of how hydro/aeroponics works, but let me get this straight.

I have a humidifier that produces a very fine mist (I know this was mentioned earlier). Would this idea work:

I take a tote, put a hole on top, drop in a netpot and hydroton, then a plant/seedling... so far so good, but now, can I simply have the humidifier hooked up so that it is outside the tote, but aiming the mist directly at the netpot (roots) inside the tote?

There would be no need for an airstone, since the humidifier is outside the tote, it is pulling in air and onto the roots.

I can drain the water out from the bottom of the tote and direct it back into the humidifier. In theory, I know that in practice it will be water rich with nutrients and I need to adjust pH and all.

This system probably wouldn't scale well, but I imagine it can sustain at least 4 plants. What happens when the humidier turns on is that the entire inside of the tote will be foggy with nute water and oxygen.

I'm broke, but I'm willing to experiment with this idea with some plants that respond well to hydro.. like Salvia or maybe just Epipremnum. I actually have an Epipremnum (common houseplant, you've definitely seen it around) rooting in a jar of water as we speak, which would be perfect for this experiment.
Thanks for checking the journal out.

I really don't feel knowledgeable enough to comment on the humidifier idea. But if i were going to build an aero system, I'd probably build a very scaled down version of this:


Well-Known Member
Ambient Temperature: 74.7 F
Humidity: 36%
Reservoir Details:
Temperature: 62.4 F
pH: 5.7
PPM: 1168
Notes: Drained reservoir and begin flushing (10 TBSP. FloraKleen to 20 Gallons of water)
Ambient Temperature: 70.1 F
Humidity: 40%
Reservoir Details:
Temperature: 62.4 F
pH: 6.7
PPM: 252
Ambient Temperature: 63.1 F
Humidity: 34%
Reservoir Details:
Temperature: 59.9 F
pH: 5.6
PPM: 170
Notes: Drain and replace with 20 TBSP. FloraKleen to 20 Gallons of water

Ambient Temperature: 66.5 F
Humidity: 34%
Reservoir Details:
Temperature: 59.9 F
pH: 6.5
PPM: 191
Notes: Drained reservoir, left empty for morning harvest.



Well-Known Member
DAY 85 / FLOWER DAY 52 --

Well the three little darlings are down but not forgotten. Unfortunately, the harvest was, I believe, a few weeks early - circumstances forced my hand. Oh well -- can't say I mind - the buzz is a great soaring high which I love. Very energetic and makes me what to get some shit done.

Final Yield for three Pure Power Plants: less than an ounce shy of a pound.
Here is plant 1, 2, and 3... and an idea of scale ...

