email468 new equipment grow (PPP)


Well-Known Member
I just read your harvest weight, shy off 1 pound, yes? As i remember, that's about 15 ounces... of 3 plants! I must be mistaken, but just in case I'm not... I would uncover my head and kneel before your tomb. ;)
as much as i would enjoy your "kneeling before me" :mrgreen: i would give credit to the fine folks at RIU including but not limited to Earl, FilthyFletch, pandabear, potroast, potpimp, and many others for all their help and insight.



Active Member
I noticed that around week 2 of flowering, you did some "heavy and light" pruning. Did you cut some fan leaves off? What exactly was it that you cut? I was curious because I just switched to flowering and dont really know what exactly to do. THANKS!!!


Well-Known Member
I noticed that around week 2 of flowering, you did some "heavy and light" pruning. Did you cut some fan leaves off? What exactly was it that you cut? I was curious because I just switched to flowering and dont really know what exactly to do. THANKS!!!
thanks for checking in.

i greatly thinned out the bottom 1/3 of all three plants by cutting many fan leaves and small bud branches that weren't getting any light. It would have been better, I think had I avoided that scenario by flowering earlier and not cutting anything.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely. You probably have the most detailed journal I have ever read.
Budsmoker has a great detailed journal also.
thanks Lacy! you always have a kind word :hug:

so i started 3 bag seed, 1 unknown seed bank seed, 1 big bud and 1 power plant - so far so good - got the first set of jagged leaves already! :leaf:


New Member
Awe thanks for the hug. I could use one.:hug:

I have some big bud started also. unfortunately I got all my plants missed up 'again.':?:dunce:

I honestly need to be more detailed about my journaling. Not quite as detailed as yours but....more than what I have been doing....especially since I noticed that 'grow journal context' in your grow journal here.
Thanks so much email because if I hadn't come to see what you have been up to I wouldn't have even seen it.:mrgreen:
I'm gonna join and take some notes how you do yours.

Thanks again :hug: (2 hugs ;))
thanks Lacy! you always have a kind word :hug:

so i started 3 bag seed, 1 unknown seed bank seed, 1 big bud and 1 power plant - so far so good - got the first set of jagged leaves already! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hi Lacy - my 6th sense told me you needed a hug - here's another :hug:

Well since i am anal, a detailed journal comes naturally to me. I'll share how i do it which may help you keep your journal.

I have an indoor/outdoor thermometer which at a glance tells me the ambient temperature of the room, the temp inside the grow box and the humidity inside the grow box.

I check my pH and PPM everyday (hydro) and my meter also records the temperature of the water.

The trick is - i have a notebook and pen easily accessible and dedicated to taking notes.

Everyday (about the same time) i look at the temp and humidity and write it down. Then i check my res water and write down the details.

Then i make any notes - if i added any water/nutes and how much or any other "goings on" like topping, pruning, first nodes, switching to 12/12 etc..

Then about once a week or so, I take my notes and put them in a nice and neat electronic format for easy reference.

And the pictures are easy since they are already time-stamped. So i can correlate the date of the picture with the date of the diary and i know exactly what's going on and when.

So i think the key for me doing a detailed journal is having all my meters in place for easy reference and having a pencil and paper always at the ready in a handy location. So having everything convenient is key for me. Does that make sense?

Anyway - any help i can offer (or just moral support) let me know - i'm happy to help.
:hug: :joint: :hug:

Awe thanks for the hug. I could use one.:hug:

I have some big bud started also. unfortunately I got all my plants missed up 'again.':?:dunce:

I honestly need to be more detailed about my journaling. Not quite as detailed as yours but....more than what I have been doing....especially since I noticed that 'grow journal context' in your grow journal here.
Thanks so much email because if I hadn't come to see what you have been up to I wouldn't have even seen it.:mrgreen:
I'm gonna join and take some notes how you do yours.

Thanks again :hug: (2 hugs ;))


New Member
Ah gosh. Well you guessed right. and thanks:hug:

I'm not sure if I want to become that anal about my journal since I have so many other things I am anal about. :? ;)

I did get myself a thermometre and I think I am going to get a pH metre. I have never taken a pH reading of any of my grows. :o

You also record the temps of the water. :shock: All I do is leave a BIG bucket of water in the grow room so it is the same temp then I add nutes just before feeding otherwise the water gets all cloudy and looks gross. :-| Like milky water. But I also have well water which I think makes a difference.

The notebook idea is a good one. Hubby is constantly telling me I should have a notebook attached to the door. You know, i am going to do that tonight and thank you for reminding me. :mrgreen:

So are you entering the 'king of Grow' contest? You should!!!

Thanks email. I 'll keep a check on your jounal just to get the general idea ;cause I am gonna enter ...maybe I can be "queen"
I'd prefer princess but hey.....;) :lol::lol::clap:


Hi Lacy - my 6th sense told me you needed a hug - here's another :hug:

Well since i am anal, a detailed journal comes naturally to me. I'll share how i do it which may help you keep your journal.

I have an indoor/outdoor thermometer which at a glance tells me the ambient temperature of the room, the temp inside the grow box and the humidity inside the grow box.

I check my pH and PPM everyday (hydro) and my meter also records the temperature of the water.

The trick is - i have a notebook and pen easily accessible and dedicated to taking notes.

Everyday (about the same time) i look at the temp and humidity and write it down. Then i check my res water and write down the details.

Then i make any notes - if i added any water/nutes and how much or any other "goings on" like topping, pruning, first nodes, switching to 12/12 etc..

Then about once a week or so, I take my notes and put them in a nice and neat electronic format for easy reference.

And the pictures are easy since they are already time-stamped. So i can correlate the date of the picture with the date of the diary and i know exactly what's going on and when.

So i think the key for me doing a detailed journal is having all my meters in place for easy reference and having a pencil and paper always at the ready in a handy location. So having everything convenient is key for me. Does that make sense?

Anyway - any help i can offer (or just moral support) let me know - i'm happy to help.
:hug: :joint: :hug:


Well-Known Member
I have one of those Hanna meters that i can just press a couple of buttons and get a lot of info - i don't record it all though. you grow in the soil though right? i record all that stuff cause i want to a new way of feeding based on PPM and the amount of water used. Earl and pandabear turned me on to it. growing hydro you almost have to record all that stuff.

But as for taking pictures and keeping a journal, I find it very rewarding and awful lot of fun!

Wasn't planning on entering any contests over it though :mrgreen:

And you're already a princess of growing! :joint:

Ah gosh. Well you guessed right. and thanks:hug:

I'm not sure if I want to become that anal about my journal since I have so many other things I am anal about. :? ;)

I did get myself a thermometre and I think I am going to get a pH metre. I have never taken a pH reading of any of my grows. :o

You also record the temps of the water. :shock: All I do is leave a BIG bucket of water in the grow room so it is the same temp then I add nutes just before feeding otherwise the water gets all cloudy and looks gross. :-| Like milky water. But I also have well water which I think makes a difference.

The notebook idea is a good one. Hubby is constantly telling me I should have a notebook attached to the door. You know, i am going to do that tonight and thank you for reminding me. :mrgreen:

So are you entering the 'king of Grow' contest? You should!!!

Thanks email. I 'll keep a check on your jounal just to get the general idea ;cause I am gonna enter ...maybe I can be "queen"
I'd prefer princess but hey.....;) :lol::lol::clap:



New Member
I just have a temp thing that tells me what the temp is at the present moment ...the highest it got and lowest and at what time.

And hydro and soil and uniquely different for sure.

I'm already a "princess of growing"
heehee:lol: thanks;)
I have one of those Hanna meters that i can just press a couple of buttons and get a lot of info - i don't record it all though. you grow in the soil though right? i record all that stuff cause i want to a new way of feeding based on PPM and the amount of water used. Earl and pandabear turned me on to it. growing hydro you almost have to record all that stuff.

But as for taking pictures and keeping a journal, I find it very rewarding and awful lot of fun!

Wasn't planning on entering any contests over it though :mrgreen:

And you're already a princess of growing! :joint: